Temporal patterns of Deepwater Horizon impacts on the benthic infauna of the northern Gulf of Mexico continental slope
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill occurred in spring and summer 2010 in the northern Gulf of
Mexico. Research cruises in 2010 (approximately 2–3 months after the well had been …
Mexico. Research cruises in 2010 (approximately 2–3 months after the well had been …
Why do parents produce small broods of offspring that have lower body mass, survival, and lifetime reproductive success? A case study in a long-lived bird
Numerous studies have examined the correlation between offspring quantity and quality,
and many have found that the most common brood size is often smaller than broods with the …
and many have found that the most common brood size is often smaller than broods with the …
Incubation temperature as a constraint on clutch size evolution
Elucidating factors that limit the number of offspring produced is fundamental to
understanding life‐history evolution. Here, we examine the hypothesis that parental ability to …
understanding life‐history evolution. Here, we examine the hypothesis that parental ability to …
Brood size affects future reproduction in a long-lived bird with precocial young
Estimation of trade-offs between current reproduction and future survival and fecundity of
long-lived vertebrates is essential to understanding factors that shape optimal reproductive …
long-lived vertebrates is essential to understanding factors that shape optimal reproductive …
Incubation capacity contributes to constraints on maximal clutch size in Brent Geese Branta bernicla nigricans
Lack () proposed that clutch size in species with precocial young was determined by
nutrients available to females at the time of egg formation; since then others have suggested …
nutrients available to females at the time of egg formation; since then others have suggested …
Long‐term research and hierarchical models reveal consistent fitness costs of being the last egg in a clutch
Maintenance of phenotypic heterogeneity in the face of strong selection is an important
component of evolutionary ecology, as are the consequences of such heterogeneity …
component of evolutionary ecology, as are the consequences of such heterogeneity …
Individual heterogeneity in fitness in a long‐lived herbivore
Heterogeneity in the intrinsic quality and nutritional condition of individuals affects
reproductive success and consequently fitness. Black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) are …
reproductive success and consequently fitness. Black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) are …
Condition dependent strategies of egg size variation in the Common Eider Somateria mollissima
We analysed intraclutch egg-size variation over the laying sequence in relation to clutch
size, and the relation between clutch size and female body condition, in the Common Eider …
size, and the relation between clutch size and female body condition, in the Common Eider …
Early life conditions and immune defense in nestling Swainson's Hawks
The quality of perinatal conditions directly influences the physical and immunological
development of nestlings, yet it is inherently variable across space and time. Long-term …
development of nestlings, yet it is inherently variable across space and time. Long-term …
Hatch date influences pre‐fledging survival of temperate‐nesting Canada geese
Among the numerous demographic parameters that influence population size, unbiased
estimates of pre‐fledging survival remain difficult to obtain for precocial birds. In this study …
estimates of pre‐fledging survival remain difficult to obtain for precocial birds. In this study …