A classification and survey of analysis strategies for software product lines
Software-product-line engineering has gained considerable momentum in recent years,
both in industry and in academia. A software product line is a family of software products that …
both in industry and in academia. A software product line is a family of software products that …
An overview on analysis tools for software product lines
A software product line is a set of different software products that share commonalities. For a
selection of features, specialized products of one domain can be generated automatically …
selection of features, specialized products of one domain can be generated automatically …
Scalable analysis of variable software
The advent of variability management and generator technology enables users to derive
individual variants from a variable code base based on a selection of desired configuration …
individual variants from a variable code base based on a selection of desired configuration …
On essential configuration complexity: Measuring interactions in highly-configurable systems
Quality assurance for highly-configurable systems is challenging due to the exponentially
growing configuration space. Interactions among multiple options can lead to surprising …
growing configuration space. Interactions among multiple options can lead to surprising …
Tseitin or not tseitin? the impact of cnf transformations on feature-model analyses
Feature modeling is widely used to systematically model features of variant-rich software
systems and their dependencies. By translating feature models into propositional formulas …
systems and their dependencies. By translating feature models into propositional formulas …
Mining configuration constraints: Static analyses and empirical results
Highly-configurable systems allow users to tailor the software to their specific needs. Not all
combinations of configuration options are valid though, and constraints arise for technical or …
combinations of configuration options are valid though, and constraints arise for technical or …
Causality in configurable software systems
Detecting and understanding reasons for defects and inadvertent behavior in software is
challenging due to their increasing complexity. In configurable software systems, the …
challenging due to their increasing complexity. In configurable software systems, the …
42 variability bugs in the linux kernel: a qualitative analysis
Feature-sensitive verification pursues effective analysis of the exponentially many variants of
a program family. However, researchers lack examples of concrete bugs induced by …
a program family. However, researchers lack examples of concrete bugs induced by …
Exploring variability-aware execution for testing plugin-based web applications
In plugin-based systems, plugin conflicts may occur when two or more plugins interfere with
one another, changing their expected behaviors. It is highly challenging to detect plugin …
one another, changing their expected behaviors. It is highly challenging to detect plugin …
Where do configuration constraints stem from? an extraction approach and an empirical study
Highly configurable systems allow users to tailor software to specific needs. Valid
combinations of configuration options are often restricted by intricate constraints. Describing …
combinations of configuration options are often restricted by intricate constraints. Describing …