The evolutionary diversity of locomotor innovation in rodents is not linked to proximal limb morphology
Rodents are the most species-rich order within Mammalia and have evolved disparate
morphologies to accommodate numerous locomotor niches, providing an excellent …
morphologies to accommodate numerous locomotor niches, providing an excellent …
Ape femoral‐humeral rigidities and arboreal locomotion
Objectives This study investigates patterns of bone functional adaptations in extant apes
through comparing hindlimb to forelimb bone rigidity ratios in groups with varying levels of …
through comparing hindlimb to forelimb bone rigidity ratios in groups with varying levels of …
Phenotypic plasticity and constraint along the upper and lower limb diaphyses of Homo sapiens
JA Nadell, CN Shaw - American Journal of Physical …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Objectives Morphological variation along the human limb reflects complex structural trade‐
offs between bone strength and mass. Here we assess how varying levels of plasticity and …
offs between bone strength and mass. Here we assess how varying levels of plasticity and …
Adapting in the Arctic II: Upper limb diaphyseal robusticity and habitual activity in Late Holocene hunter‐gatherers from Alaska
DH Temple, E Rosa, DR Hunt… - American Journal of …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Objectives This study compares humeral diaphyseal robusticity and asymmetry between
Late Holocene hunter‐gatherers from Alaska with the goal of reconstructing habitual activity …
Late Holocene hunter‐gatherers from Alaska with the goal of reconstructing habitual activity …
Inter-ray variation in metatarsal strength properties in humans and African apes: Implications for inferring bipedal biomechanics in the Olduvai Hominid 8 foot
When measured as a ratio of mean midshaft diameter to bone length, the OH 8 fossil
hominin foot exhibits a metatarsal (Mt) robusticity pattern of 1> 5> 3> 4> 2, which differs from …
hominin foot exhibits a metatarsal (Mt) robusticity pattern of 1> 5> 3> 4> 2, which differs from …
Cross-sectional properties of the humeral diaphysis of Paranthropus boisei: Implications for upper limb function
A∼ 1.52 Ma adult upper limb skeleton of Paranthropus boisei (KNM-ER 47000) recovered
from the Koobi Fora Formation, Kenya (FwJj14E, Area 1A) includes most of the distal half of …
from the Koobi Fora Formation, Kenya (FwJj14E, Area 1A) includes most of the distal half of …
Cross‐sectional structural variation relative to midshaft along hominine diaphyses. II. The hind limb
Objectives In comparative analyses of hominine hind limb diaphyseal structure, homologous
cross sections are located according to half bone length (midshaft). Here, we address three …
cross sections are located according to half bone length (midshaft). Here, we address three …
Ontogenetic and morphological variation in primate long bones reflects signals of size and behavior
JA Nadell, S Elton, K Kovarovic - American Journal of Physical …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Objectives Many primates change their locomotor behavior as they mature from infancy to
adulthood. Here we investigate how long bone cross‐sectional geometry in Pan, Gorilla …
adulthood. Here we investigate how long bone cross‐sectional geometry in Pan, Gorilla …
Using modern human cortical bone distribution to test the systemic robusticity hypothesis
The systemic robusticity hypothesis links the thickness of cortical bone in both the cranium
and limb bones. This hypothesis posits that thick cortical bone is in part a systemic response …
and limb bones. This hypothesis posits that thick cortical bone is in part a systemic response …
The upper limb skeleton and behavioral lateralization of modern humans from Zhaoguo Cave, southwestern China
P Wei, H Lu, KJ Carlson, H Zhang, J Hui… - American Journal of …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Objectives Aims of the study are to initially describe and comparatively evaluate the
morphology of the new Zhaoguo M1 upper limb remains, and contextualize upper limb …
morphology of the new Zhaoguo M1 upper limb remains, and contextualize upper limb …