Asymptotic tracking with novel integral robust schemes for mismatched uncertain nonlinear systems
G Yang - International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Motivated by the desire to extend the well‐known robust integral of the sign of the error
(RISE) feedback control to handle both matched and mismatched disturbances …
(RISE) feedback control to handle both matched and mismatched disturbances …
RISE-based adaptive control of hydraulic systems with asymptotic tracking
Parametric uncertainty associated with unmodeled disturbance always exist in physical
hydraulic systems, and complicate the advanced nonlinear controller design. In this paper …
hydraulic systems, and complicate the advanced nonlinear controller design. In this paper …
Parameter estimation and adaptive control for servo mechanisms with friction compensation
S Wang, J Na - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This article presents a new adaptive parameter estimation method and the corresponding
control design for nonlinear servo mechanisms with friction compensation. A continuous …
control design for nonlinear servo mechanisms with friction compensation. A continuous …
An improved equivalent-input-disturbance approach for repetitive control system with state delay and disturbance
An improved equivalent-input-disturbance (EID) approach is devised to enhance the
disturbance-rejection performance for a strictly proper plant with a state delay in a modified …
disturbance-rejection performance for a strictly proper plant with a state delay in a modified …
A distributed control approach for enhancing smart grid transient stability and resilience
Increasing deployment of information technologies and low-inertia renewable energy
sources into smart grid fuel the uncertainties and reveal security and transient stability …
sources into smart grid fuel the uncertainties and reveal security and transient stability …
Unknown time-varying input delay compensation for uncertain nonlinear systems
A tracking controller is developed for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems subject to
unknown time-varying input delay and additive disturbances. A novel filtered error signal is …
unknown time-varying input delay and additive disturbances. A novel filtered error signal is …
Robust integral of neural network and error sign control of MIMO nonlinear systems
This paper presents a novel state-feedback control scheme for the tracking control of a class
of multi-input multioutput continuous-time nonlinear systems with unknown dynamics and …
of multi-input multioutput continuous-time nonlinear systems with unknown dynamics and …
Time-varying input and state delay compensation for uncertain nonlinear systems
A robust controller is developed for uncertain, second-order nonlinear systems subject to
simultaneous unknown, time-varying state delays and known, sufficiently small time-varying …
simultaneous unknown, time-varying state delays and known, sufficiently small time-varying …
Robust tracking and disturbance rejection for linear uncertain system with unknown state delay and disturbance
A robust tracking control method is presented in this paper for an uncertain plant with an
unknown state delay and an exogenous disturbance. The effects of the uncertainties, the …
unknown state delay and an exogenous disturbance. The effects of the uncertainties, the …
Saturated RISE feedback control for a class of second-order nonlinear systems
A saturated controller is developed for a class of uncertain, second-order, nonlinear systems
which includes time-varying and nonlinearly parameterized functions with bounded …
which includes time-varying and nonlinearly parameterized functions with bounded …