Web service composition: a survey of techniques and tools
Web services are a consolidated reality of the modern Web with tremendous, increasing
impact on everyday computing tasks. They turned the Web into the largest, most accepted …
impact on everyday computing tasks. They turned the Web into the largest, most accepted …
Cloud service selection: State-of-the-art and future research directions
Cloud technology connects a network of virtualized computers that are dynamically
provisioned as computing resources, based on negotiated agreements between service …
provisioned as computing resources, based on negotiated agreements between service …
Web services composition: A decade's overview
Abstract Service-oriented computing (SOC) represents a paradigm for building distributed
computing applications over the Internet. In the past decade, Web services composition has …
computing applications over the Internet. In the past decade, Web services composition has …
QoS-aware middleware for web services composition
The paradigmatic shift from a Web of manual interactions to a Web of programmatic
interactions driven by Web services is creating unprecedented opportunities for the …
interactions driven by Web services is creating unprecedented opportunities for the …
Collaborative web service QoS prediction via neighborhood integrated matrix factorization
With the increasing presence and adoption of web services on the World Wide Web, the
demand of efficient web service quality evaluation approaches is becoming …
demand of efficient web service quality evaluation approaches is becoming …
A survey on web services composition
S Dustdar, W Schreiner - … journal of web and grid services, 2005 - inderscienceonline.com
Due to the web services' heterogeneous nature, which stems from the definition of several
XML-based standards to overcome platform and language dependence, web services have …
XML-based standards to overcome platform and language dependence, web services have …
QoS computation and policing in dynamic web service selection
Y Liu, AH Ngu, LZ Zeng - Proceedings of the 13th international World …, 2004 - dl.acm.org
The emerging Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) paradigm promises to enable businesses
and organizations to collaborate in an unprecedented way by means of standard web …
and organizations to collaborate in an unprecedented way by means of standard web …
Combining global optimization with local selection for efficient QoS-aware service composition
M Alrifai, T Risse - Proceedings of the 18th international conference on …, 2009 - dl.acm.org
The run-time binding of web services has been recently put forward in order to support rapid
and dynamic web service compositions. With the growing number of alternative web …
and dynamic web service compositions. With the growing number of alternative web …
Qos-based discovery and ranking of web services
Discovering Web services using keyword-based search techniques offered by existing UDDI
APIs (ie Inquiry API) may not yield results that are tailored to clients' needs. When …
APIs (ie Inquiry API) may not yield results that are tailored to clients' needs. When …