Crustal melting and melt extraction, ascent and emplacement in orogens: mechanisms and consequences
M Brown - Journal of the Geological Society, 2007 -
Significant volume of wet melting requires an influx of H2O-rich volatile phase. In hydrate-
breakdown melting, initial melt accumulation is diffusion-controlled and melt accumulates …
breakdown melting, initial melt accumulation is diffusion-controlled and melt accumulates …
Physical controls and depth of emplacement of igneous bodies: A review
T Menand - Tectonophysics, 2011 - Elsevier
The formation and growth of magma bodies are now recognised as involving the
amalgamation of successive, discrete pulses such as sills. Sills would thus represent the …
amalgamation of successive, discrete pulses such as sills. Sills would thus represent the …
From plutons to magma chambers: Thermal constraints on the accumulation of eruptible silicic magma in the upper crust
C Annen - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2009 - Elsevier
In order to provide new insights into the relationship between plutonism and volcanism,
numerical simulations involving heat transfer computation were used to estimate the …
numerical simulations involving heat transfer computation were used to estimate the …
Multiscale magmatic cyclicity, duration of pluton construction, and the paradoxical relationship between tectonism and plutonism in continental arcs
The close relationship between crustal magmatism, an expression of heat dissipation, and
tectonics, an expression of stress dissipation, leads to the question of their mutual …
tectonics, an expression of stress dissipation, leads to the question of their mutual …
Implications of incremental emplacement of magma bodies for magma differentiation, thermal aureole dimensions and plutonism–volcanism relationships
C Annen - Tectonophysics, 2011 - Elsevier
Field observations and geophysical data indicate that many igneous bodies grow by
amalgamation of successive magma pulses that commonly take the shape of horizontal …
amalgamation of successive magma pulses that commonly take the shape of horizontal …
Growth of plutons by incremental emplacement of sheets in crystal-rich host: Evidence from Miocene intrusions of the Colorado River region, Nevada, USA
Growing evidence supports the notion that plutons are constructed incrementally, commonly
over long periods of time, yet field evidence for the multiple injections that seem to be …
over long periods of time, yet field evidence for the multiple injections that seem to be …
The mechanics and dynamics of sills in layered elastic rocks and their implications for the growth of laccoliths and other igneous complexes
T Menand - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2008 - Elsevier
The recent experimental work by Kavanagh et al.[Kavanagh, JL, Menand, T. and Sparks,
RSJ (2006). An experimental investigation of sill formation and propagation in layered …
RSJ (2006). An experimental investigation of sill formation and propagation in layered …
Melting of the continental crust during orogenesis: the thermal, rheological, and compositional consequences of melt transport from lower to upper continental crust
M Brown - Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2010 -
The formation and differentiation of the continental crust occurs at convergent plate margins
in accretionary and collisional orogenic belts where sufficient heat is generated to achieve …
in accretionary and collisional orogenic belts where sufficient heat is generated to achieve …
Time resolved construction of a bimodal laccolith (Torres del Paine, Patagonia)
Granitic and mafic magma pulses were sequentially accreted in the spectacularly exposed
shallow crustal Torres del Paine laccolith, in southern Patagonia. This 12.5 Ma pluton forms …
shallow crustal Torres del Paine laccolith, in southern Patagonia. This 12.5 Ma pluton forms …
Modeling the growth of laccoliths and large mafic sills: Role of magma body forces
The use of elastic plate theory to model the emplacement of laccoliths and large mafic sills
has been debated for nearly 40 years. These intrusions typically attain a horizontal width …
has been debated for nearly 40 years. These intrusions typically attain a horizontal width …