Initial results from the Oman drilling project multi‐borehole observatory: Petrogenesis and ongoing alteration of mantle peridotite in the weathering horizon
Abstract The Oman Drilling Project “Multi‐Borehole Observatory”(MBO) samples an area of
active weathering of tectonically exposed peridotite. This article reviews the geology of the …
active weathering of tectonically exposed peridotite. This article reviews the geology of the …
Physical and mechanical rock properties of a heterogeneous volcano; the case of Mount Unzen, Japan
Volcanoes represent one of the most critical geological settings for hazard modelling due to
their propensity to both unpredictably erupt and collapse, even in times of quiescence …
their propensity to both unpredictably erupt and collapse, even in times of quiescence …
Thermal history of lithosphere formed beneath fast spreading ridges: constraints from the mantle transition zone of the East Pacific Rise at Hess Deep and Oman …
We investigate the cooling histories of peridotites and gabbros from localities that expose
oceanic lithosphere formed beneath two fast seafloor spreading centers: Hess Deep as …
oceanic lithosphere formed beneath two fast seafloor spreading centers: Hess Deep as …
Geochemical Characterization of the Oman Crust‐Mantle Transition Zone, OmanDP Holes CM1A and CM2B
The transition from the gabbroic oceanic crust to the residual mantle harzburgites of the
Oman ophiolite has been drilled at Holes CM1A and CM2B (Wadi Tayin massif) during …
Oman ophiolite has been drilled at Holes CM1A and CM2B (Wadi Tayin massif) during …
Progressive veining during peridotite carbonation: insights from listvenites in Hole BT1B, Samail ophiolite (Oman)
The reaction of serpentinized peridotites with CO 2-bearing fluids to listvenite (quartz-
carbonate rocks) requires massive fluid flux and significant permeability despite increase in …
carbonate rocks) requires massive fluid flux and significant permeability despite increase in …
Melt/rock ratios and melt fluxes during reactive percolation: from matrix-to melt-controlled dynamics
Deep melt migration processes occurring beneath spreading ridges largely occur by porous
flow and involve reaction with the pre-existing crystal matrix. The control of the melt/rock …
flow and involve reaction with the pre-existing crystal matrix. The control of the melt/rock …
Ship-board determination of whole-rock (ultra-) trace element concentrations by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analysis of pressed …
M Rospabé, F Kourim, A Tamura, E Takazawa… - Scientific …, 2022 - sd.copernicus.org
Abstract The Oman Drilling Project (OmanDP), performed under the International
Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP), is an international scientific research project …
Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP), is an international scientific research project …
Automatic Geological Facies Analysis in Crust-Mantle Transition Zone
C Morelli, S Yang, Y Maehara, H Cai, K Moe… - … -The SPWLA Journal …, 2024 - onepetro.org
Abstract The Oman Drilling Project was conducted as a part of the International Continental
Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) from 2017 to 2018, and several boreholes, including four …
Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) from 2017 to 2018, and several boreholes, including four …
The Oman ophiolites offer exceptional exposure of fossil oceanic lithosphere and have been
used as a proxy to define the Penrose model of fast-spread oceanic lithosphere. It is …
used as a proxy to define the Penrose model of fast-spread oceanic lithosphere. It is …
クロミタイト: クロム資源にして地球深部過程指示者
荒井章司, 阿部なつ江, 松本一郎, 三浦真 - 地球化学, 2021 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 Chromitites (chromite ores) are reviewed for their importance in magmatism,
hydrothermalism, geodynamics and production of resources. The key process for chromitite …
hydrothermalism, geodynamics and production of resources. The key process for chromitite …