Advances, applications, and perspectives in small‐angle X‐ray scattering of RNA

JN Tants, A Schlundt - ChemBioChem, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
RNAs exhibit a plethora of functions far beyond transmitting genetic information. Often, RNA
functions are entailed in their structure, be it as a regulatory switch, protein binding site, or …

Elucidating the pathobiology of Cerebellar Ataxia with Neuropathy and Vestibular Areflexia Syndrome (CANVAS) with its expanded RNA structure formation and …

K Singh, S Shukla, U Shankar, N Jain, R Nag… - Scientific Reports, 2024 -
Numerous neurological disorders are linked to sequences rich in guanine repeats found in
introns, exons, and regulatory regions of genes. These sequences have been observed to …

Contrast variation SAXS: Sample preparation protocols, experimental procedures, and data analysis

J San Emeterio, SA Pabit, L Pollack - Methods in enzymology, 2022 - Elsevier
Proteins and nucleic acids, alone and in complex are among the essential building blocks of
living organisms. Obtaining a molecular level understanding of their structures, and the …

Data analysis and modeling of small-angle neutron scattering data with contrast variation from bio-macromolecular complexes

AE Whitten, CM Jeffries - Methods in Enzymology, 2023 - Elsevier
Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) with contrast variation (CV) is a valuable technique
in the structural biology toolchest. Accurate structural parameters—eg, radii of gyration …

MiR-200c ir miR-141 sąsajos su ligos eiga ir naviko fenotipu pacientams, sergantiems galvos-kaklo navikais

G Liugailaitė - 2023 -
Šio darbo tikslas buvo įvertinti miR-200c bei miR-141 raiškos pokyčius pacientų, sergančių
galvos ir kaklo onkologinėmis ligomis, grupėje ir įvertinti ryšį su ligos eiga ir naviko fenotipu …

The molecular landscape of developmental pausing in mammals

DP Iyer - 2023 -
Many mammals can control the timing of birth by temporarily suspending development
which is marked by a reduction of metabolic activity. This interruption in the development …

[ОПИСАНИЕ][C] Krishna Singh1, 2, Sakshi Shukla1, 2, Uma Shankar1, Neha Jain1, Rishav Nag1

KA Pramod, A Kumar - Scientific Reports, 2024