Charge-transfer dynamics studied using resonant core spectroscopies

PA Brühwiler, O Karis, N Mårtensson - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2002 - APS
The authors review the use of core-level resonant photoemission and resonant Auger
spectroscopy to study femtosecond charge-transfer dynamics. Starting from simple models …

Photoion mass-selected threshold photoelectron spectroscopy to detect reactive intermediates in catalysis: from instrumentation and examples to peculiarities and a …

P Hemberger, Z Pan, X Wu, Z Zhang… - The Journal of …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Photoion mass-selected threshold photoelectron spectroscopy (ms-TPES) is a synchrotron-
based, universal, sensitive, and multiplexed detection tool applied in the areas of catalysis …

Coupled-cluster response theory for near-edge x-ray-absorption fine structure of atoms and molecules

S Coriani, O Christiansen, T Fransson, P Norman - Physical Review A—Atomic …, 2012 - APS
Based on an asymmetric Lanczos-chain subspace algorithm, damped coupled cluster linear
response functions have been implemented for the hierarchy of coupled cluster (CC) models …

Performance and capabilities of the Canadian Dragon: The SGM beamline at the Canadian Light Source

T Regier, J Krochak, TK Sham, YF Hu… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2007 - Elsevier
The Canadian Dragon is a Spherical Grating Monochromator (SGM) beamline for the
photon energy range between 250 and 2000eV. The high flux from the source, a 45mm …

Femtosecond Interatomic Coulombic Decay in Free Neon Clusters:<? format?> Large Lifetime Differences between Surface and Bulk

G Öhrwall, M Tchaplyguine, M Lundwall, R Feifel… - Physical review …, 2004 - APS
A quantitative determination of 2 s vacancy lifetimes in surface and bulk atoms of free Ne
clusters has been made. While for free atoms the 2 s inner-valence hole has a ps lifetime, it …

Performance of a very high resolution soft x-ray beamline BL25SU with a twin-helical undulator at SPring-8

Y Saitoh, H Kimura, Y Suzuki, T Nakatani… - Review of Scientific …, 2000 -
We report on the excellent performance of a newly constructed soft x-ray helical undulator
beamline BL25SU of SPring-8 for photon energies 500–1800 eV. The full beamline was …

Beam line I411 at MAX II—performance and first results

M Bässler, A Ausmees, M Jurvansuu, R Feifel… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2001 - Elsevier
We report on the characteristics and first results from the soft X-ray beam line I411, based on
an undulator at the third generation synchrotron facility MAX II, Sweden. The beam line is …

[HTML][HTML] Ambient-pressure endstation of the Versatile Soft X-ray (VerSoX) beamline at Diamond Light Source

G Held, F Venturini, DC Grinter, P Ferrer… - Synchrotron …, 2020 -
The ambient-pressure endstation and branchline of the Versatile Soft X-ray (VerSoX)
beamline B07 at Diamond Light Source serves a very diverse user community studying …

Inherent lifetime widths of Ar Kr Xe and Xe states

M Jurvansuu, A Kivimäki, S Aksela - Physical Review A, 2001 - APS
The natural widths of the Ar 2 p− 1, Kr 3 d− 1, Xe 3 d− 1, and Xe 4 d− 1 states have been
determined from photoelectron spectra measured with very high resolution. Lifetime widths Γ …

X-Ray Absorption Spectrum of the Molecular Ion

R Lindblad, L Kjellsson, RC Couto, M Timm, C Bülow… - Physical Review Letters, 2020 - APS
The x-ray absorption spectrum of N 2+ in the K-edge region has been measured by
irradiation of ions stored in a cryogenic radio frequency ion trap with synchrotron radiation …