On maximum coverage in the streaming model & application to multi-topic blog-watch
We generalize the graph streaming model to hypergraphs. In this streaming model,
hyperedges are arriving online and any computation has to be done on-the-fly using a small …
hyperedges are arriving online and any computation has to be done on-the-fly using a small …
[CARTE][B] Dissemination of Information in Optical Networks:: From Technology to Algorithms
S Bandyopadhyay - 2007 - books.google.com
Optical networks and the related technologies, network management software and services
have undergone remarkable developments, and such networks are now the ultra-high …
have undergone remarkable developments, and such networks are now the ultra-high …
A parallel distance-2 graph coloring algorithm for distributed memory computers
The distance-2 graph coloring problem aims at partitioning the vertex set of a graph into the
fewest sets consisting of vertices pairwise at distance greater than two from each other …
fewest sets consisting of vertices pairwise at distance greater than two from each other …
Approximation algorithms for survivable multicommodity flow problems with applications to network design
A Todimala, B Ramamurthy - 2006 - digitalcommons.unl.edu
Multicommodity flow (MF) problems have a wide variety of applications in areas such as
VLSI circuit design, network design, etc., and are therefore very well studied. The fractional …
VLSI circuit design, network design, etc., and are therefore very well studied. The fractional …
[PDF][PDF] Approximate Multicommodity Flow for WDM Networks Design.
The design of WDM optical networks is an issue for telecom operators since the spreading of
this technology will not occur unless enough performance guarantees are provided …
this technology will not occur unless enough performance guarantees are provided …
Evolution behavior of chirped tan-hyperbolic pulse through single mode fiber in the simultaneous presence of fiber loss, dispersion and self-phase modulation
M Yousaf Hamza, N Akhtar, N Sarwar… - Telecommunication …, 2014 - Springer
We present the results of tan-h pulse propagation through single mode fiber in dispersion
dominant regime as well as in the simultaneous presence of fiber loss, group velocity …
dominant regime as well as in the simultaneous presence of fiber loss, group velocity …
[HTML][HTML] Color-bounded hypergraphs, VI: Structural and functional jumps in complexity
A stably bounded hypergraph H is a hypergraph together with four color-bound functions s, t,
a and b, each assigning positive integers to the edges. A vertex coloring of H is considered …
a and b, each assigning positive integers to the edges. A vertex coloring of H is considered …
Tight LP‐based lower bounds for wavelength conversion in optical networks
AMCA Koster, A Zymolka - Statistica Neerlandica, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
With the introduction of optical switching technology in telecommunication networks, all‐
optical connections, so‐called lightpaths, can be established. Lightpaths have to be …
optical connections, so‐called lightpaths, can be established. Lightpaths have to be …
[PDF][PDF] Minimum converter wavelength assignment in all-optical networks
AMCA Koster, A Zymolka - 2003 - opus4.kobv.de
Finding conflict-free wavelength assignments with a minimum number of required
conversions for a routing of the lightpaths is one of the important tasks within the design of …
conversions for a routing of the lightpaths is one of the important tasks within the design of …
Approximate path coloring with applications to wavelength assignment in WDM optical networks
Motivated by the wavelength assignment problem in WDM optical networks, we study path
coloring problems in graphs. Given a set of paths P on a graph G, the path coloring problem …
coloring problems in graphs. Given a set of paths P on a graph G, the path coloring problem …