On maximum coverage in the streaming model & application to multi-topic blog-watch

B Saha, L Getoor - Proceedings of the 2009 siam international conference …, 2009 - SIAM
We generalize the graph streaming model to hypergraphs. In this streaming model,
hyperedges are arriving online and any computation has to be done on-the-fly using a small …

[CARTE][B] Dissemination of Information in Optical Networks:: From Technology to Algorithms

S Bandyopadhyay - 2007 - books.google.com
Optical networks and the related technologies, network management software and services
have undergone remarkable developments, and such networks are now the ultra-high …

A parallel distance-2 graph coloring algorithm for distributed memory computers

D Bozdağ, U Catalyurek, AH Gebremedhin… - … conference on high …, 2005 - Springer
The distance-2 graph coloring problem aims at partitioning the vertex set of a graph into the
fewest sets consisting of vertices pairwise at distance greater than two from each other …

Approximation algorithms for survivable multicommodity flow problems with applications to network design

A Todimala, B Ramamurthy - 2006 - digitalcommons.unl.edu
Multicommodity flow (MF) problems have a wide variety of applications in areas such as
VLSI circuit design, network design, etc., and are therefore very well studied. The fractional …

[PDF][PDF] Approximate Multicommodity Flow for WDM Networks Design.

M Bouklit, D Coudert, JF Lalande, C Paul, H Rivano - Sirocco, 2003 - ftp-sop.inria.fr
The design of WDM optical networks is an issue for telecom operators since the spreading of
this technology will not occur unless enough performance guarantees are provided …

Evolution behavior of chirped tan-hyperbolic pulse through single mode fiber in the simultaneous presence of fiber loss, dispersion and self-phase modulation

M Yousaf Hamza, N Akhtar, N Sarwar… - Telecommunication …, 2014 - Springer
We present the results of tan-h pulse propagation through single mode fiber in dispersion
dominant regime as well as in the simultaneous presence of fiber loss, group velocity …

[HTML][HTML] Color-bounded hypergraphs, VI: Structural and functional jumps in complexity

C Bujtás, Z Tuza - Discrete Mathematics, 2013 - Elsevier
A stably bounded hypergraph H is a hypergraph together with four color-bound functions s, t,
a and b, each assigning positive integers to the edges. A vertex coloring of H is considered …

Tight LP‐based lower bounds for wavelength conversion in optical networks

AMCA Koster, A Zymolka - Statistica Neerlandica, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
With the introduction of optical switching technology in telecommunication networks, all‐
optical connections, so‐called lightpaths, can be established. Lightpaths have to be …

[PDF][PDF] Minimum converter wavelength assignment in all-optical networks

AMCA Koster, A Zymolka - 2003 - opus4.kobv.de
Finding conflict-free wavelength assignments with a minimum number of required
conversions for a routing of the lightpaths is one of the important tasks within the design of …

Approximate path coloring with applications to wavelength assignment in WDM optical networks

I Caragiannis, C Kaklamanis - Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects …, 2004 - Springer
Motivated by the wavelength assignment problem in WDM optical networks, we study path
coloring problems in graphs. Given a set of paths P on a graph G, the path coloring problem …