Increasing community food security through aquaponic and aeroponic cultivation
The topographical conditions in Bulo-Bulo Village, Jeneponto Regency, South Sulawesi,
tend to be bumpy and rocky, which is the main problem in farming. Locals exclusively use …
tend to be bumpy and rocky, which is the main problem in farming. Locals exclusively use …
Implementasi Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan untuk Menunjang Sektor Pertanian di Desa Margohayu Karangawen Demak
Margohayu village is one of the regions in the Karangawen Subdistrict, Demak Regency,
Central Java. Desa Margohayu has a population of 8,056, with the majority working as …
Central Java. Desa Margohayu has a population of 8,056, with the majority working as …
Peningkatan Literasi Perbankan Syariah di Kampus Sebagai Upaya Mendorong Pemahaman Keuangan Islami
Literasi perbankan syariah di Indonesia, khususnya di kalangan mahasiswa, masih berada
pada tingkat yang sangat rendah meskipun sektor ini memiliki potensi besar dalam …
pada tingkat yang sangat rendah meskipun sektor ini memiliki potensi besar dalam …