[HTML][HTML] A systematic survey on energy-efficient techniques in sustainable cloud computing
Global warming is one of the most compelling environmental threats today, as the rise in
energy consumption and CO2 emission caused a dreadful impact on our environment. The …
energy consumption and CO2 emission caused a dreadful impact on our environment. The …
Pro-environmental behaviors through the lens of the theory of planned behavior: A sco** review
The theory of planned behavior (TPB) allows researchers to identify the determinants of
environmental behavior and subsequently target these factors in interventions. Multiple …
environmental behavior and subsequently target these factors in interventions. Multiple …
[HTML][HTML] Determinants that influence green product purchase intention and behavior: A literature review and guiding framework
Environmental deterioration brought about by consumers' non-feasible utilization pattern is
putting a pressure on the environment and is obstructing sustainable development. To …
putting a pressure on the environment and is obstructing sustainable development. To …
Employee green behaviour: A review and recommendations for future research
Despite the increasing awareness of impacts of organizational activities on the natural
environment and the urgent need for sustainable management of ecosystems, emerging …
environment and the urgent need for sustainable management of ecosystems, emerging …
Plant diseases recognition on images using convolutional neural networks: A systematic review
Plant diseases are considered one of the main factors influencing food production and
minimize losses in production, and it is essential that crop diseases have fast detection and …
minimize losses in production, and it is essential that crop diseases have fast detection and …
[HTML][HTML] Cybersecurity awareness for children: A systematic literature review
Cybersecurity for children has received much attention and has become a rapidly growing
topic due to the increased availability of the internet to children and their consequent …
topic due to the increased availability of the internet to children and their consequent …
Applying the triple bottom line in sustainable supplier selection: A meta-review of the state-of-the-art
This study conducts a systematic meta-literature review in the field of sustainable supplier
selection. The number of published papers within the domain of sustainable supplier …
selection. The number of published papers within the domain of sustainable supplier …
Mobile technologies and applications towards smart tourism–state of the art
Purpose The popularity of mobile technologies and applications is constantly growing and
undoubtedly changing consumers' and providers' behavior. The purpose of this study is to …
undoubtedly changing consumers' and providers' behavior. The purpose of this study is to …
What makes telework work? Evidence of success factors across two decades of empirical research: A systematic and critical review
Advances in information and communications technology have contributed to the spread of
telework, which has been underway since the early 2000s. During the COVID-19 pandemic …
telework, which has been underway since the early 2000s. During the COVID-19 pandemic …
TinyML: Tools, applications, challenges, and future research directions
Abstract In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine learning (ML) have gained
significant interest from both, industry and academia. Notably, conventional ML techniques …
significant interest from both, industry and academia. Notably, conventional ML techniques …