Cyberbullying among adolescents and children: a comprehensive review of the global situation, risk factors, and preventive measures

C Zhu, S Huang, R Evans, W Zhang - Frontiers in public health, 2021 -
Background: Cyberbullying is well-recognized as a severe public health issue which affects
both adolescents and children. Most extant studies have focused on national and regional …

Cyberbullying in elementary and middle school students: A systematic review

C Evangelio, P Rodríguez-González… - Computers & …, 2022 - Elsevier
The goal of the present study was to extend the scope of previous reviews on cyberbullying
to focus on elementary and middle school students, ages when research indicates that …

A developmental approach to cyberbullying: Prevalence and protective factors

RM Kowalski, SP Limber, A McCord - Aggression and violent behavior, 2019 - Elsevier
Recent years have witnessed a plethora of research on cyberbullying. However, many of the
published studies have yielded mixed findings related to cyberbullying and its relation to …

Islamic character education in the era of Industry 5.0: Navigating challenges and embracing opportunities

A Adiyono, AM Anshor - Al-Hayat: Journal of Islamic Education, 2024 -
This research examines the challenges and opportunities of Islamic character education in
the context of the digital world in the era of Industrial Revolution 5.0. This era has changed …

When parents are inconsistent: Parenting style and adolescents' involvement in cyberbullying

I Katz, D Lemish, R Cohen, A Arden - Journal of adolescence, 2019 - Elsevier
Introduction The prevalence of cyberbullying among adolescents is globally on the rise. This
study examined how general and cyber-specific parenting styles impact the prevalence of …

Bullying victimization and poor relationships with parents as risk factors of problematic internet use in adolescence

M Boniel-Nissim, H Sasson - Computers in human Behavior, 2018 - Elsevier
During adolescence, adolescents move away from their parents in order to establish their
place in society. Therefore, there are two arenas that have a significant impact on …

The effect of parental control on cyber-victimization in adolescence: The mediating role of impulsivity and high-risk behaviors

D Álvarez-García, JC Núñez… - Frontiers in …, 2019 -
The aim of this work is to analyze the relationship between parental control and cyber-
victimization in adolescence, considering the possible mediating effect of impulsivity, and …

Cyber dating abuse: Investigating digital monitoring behaviors among adolescents from a social learning perspective

J Van Ouytsel, K Ponnet… - Journal of interpersonal …, 2020 -
Just as with other forms of abuse such as bullying, dating violence is no longer limited to
physical spaces. Several forms of dating violence can also be perpetrated by means of …

Victimized in many ways: Online and offline bullying/harassment and perceived racial discrimination in diverse racial–ethnic minority adolescents.

M Weinstein, MR Jensen, BM Tynes - Cultural diversity & ethnic …, 2021 -
Objectives: Racial–ethnic minority youth face multiple types of victimization associated with
negative developmental outcomes. The present study examined the interplay of youth …