The relation between parents' involvement in children's schooling and children's adjustment: A meta-analysis.

MM Barger, EM Kim, NR Kuncel… - Psychological …, 2019 -
This quantitative synthesis of 448 independent studies including 480,830 families revealed
small positive associations (rs=. 13 to. 23) between parents' naturally occurring involvement …

Emotion socialization and child conduct problems: A comprehensive review and meta-analysis

AM Johnson, DJ Hawes, N Eisenberg, J Kohlhoff… - Clinical psychology …, 2017 - Elsevier
Decades of research have emphasized the role that coercive and ineffective discipline plays
in sha** child and adolescent conduct problems, yet an emerging body of evidence has …

Persistence and fadeout in the impacts of child and adolescent interventions

D Bailey, GJ Duncan, CL Odgers… - Journal of research on …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Many interventions targeting cognitive skills or socioemotional skills and behaviors
demonstrate initially promising but then quickly disappearing impacts. Our article seeks to …

Resilience in development: Progress and transformation

AS Masten, D Cicchetti - Developmental psychopathology: Risk …, 2016 -
Resilience science is quintessential developmental psychopathology because it focuses on
variation among individuals in relation to their experiences as they adapt and develop …

Reducing racial inequalities in adulthood arrest by reducing inequalities in school discipline: Evidence from the school-to-prison pipeline.

JC Barnes, RT Motz - Developmental Psychology, 2018 -
There is a large body of evidence revealing that minorities—in particular, Black citizens—are
overrepresented in the criminal justice system. But the causes of these inequalities have …

Developmental cascades

AS Masten, D Cicchetti - Development and psychopathology, 2010 -
There is a long history of interest in developmental theory and research in the processes by
which function in one domain or level or system influences another system or level of …

The development of co**: Implications for psychopathology and resilience

MJ Zimmer‐Gembeck… - Developmental …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
The goal of this chapter is to review conceptual and empirical progress in the study of the
development of co** and to identify important ways in which this work may be useful to …

Worldwide application of prevention science in adolescent health

RF Catalano, AA Fagan, LE Gavin, MT Greenberg… - The Lancet, 2012 -
The burden of morbidity and mortality from non-communicable disease has risen worldwide
and is accelerating in low-income and middle-income countries, whereas the burden from …

Breaking the cycle of mistrust: Wise interventions to provide critical feedback across the racial divide.

DS Yeager, V Purdie-Vaughns, J Garcia… - Journal of …, 2014 -
Three double-blind randomized field experiments examined the effects of a strategy to
restore trust on minority adolescents' responses to critical feedback. In Studies 1 and 2, 7th …

The development of co**

EA Skinner, MJ Zimmer-Gembeck - Annu. Rev. Psychol., 2007 -
Research on co** during childhood and adolescence is distinguished by its focus on how
children deal with actual stressors in real-life contexts. Despite burgeoning literatures within …