Indigenous guardians as an emerging approach to indigenous environmental governance
Over the past 3 decades, indigenous guardian programs (also known as indigenous rangers
or watchmen) have emerged as an institution for indigenous governments to engage in …
or watchmen) have emerged as an institution for indigenous governments to engage in …
Indigenous‐led conservation: Pathways to recovery for the nearly extirpated Klinse‐Za mountain caribou
CT Lamb, R Willson, C Richter… - Ecological …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Indigenous Peoples around the northern hemisphere have long relied on caribou for
subsistence and for ceremonial and community purposes. Unfortunately, despite recovery …
subsistence and for ceremonial and community purposes. Unfortunately, despite recovery …
Indigenous knowledge and the shackles of wilderness
The environmental crises currently grip** the Earth have been codified in a new proposed
geological epoch: the Anthropocene. This epoch, according to the Anthropocene Working …
geological epoch: the Anthropocene. This epoch, according to the Anthropocene Working …
[HTML][HTML] Supporting resurgent Indigenous-led governance: A nascent mechanism for just and effective conservation
Substantial increases in the pace, scale, and effectiveness of conservation will be required
to abate the ongoing loss of global biodiversity and simultaneous ecological degradation …
to abate the ongoing loss of global biodiversity and simultaneous ecological degradation …
Toward Indigenous visions of nature-based solutions: an exploration into Canadian federal climate policy
Political traction for nature-based solutions is rapidly growing as governments recognize
their role in addressing the simultaneous climate and biodiversity crises. While there has …
their role in addressing the simultaneous climate and biodiversity crises. While there has …
[HTML][HTML] Transitioning toward “deep” knowledge co-production in coastal and marine systems: examining the interplay among governance, power, and knowledge
Knowledge co-production (KCP) is presented as an effective strategy to inform responses to
complex coastal and marine social-ecological challenges. Co-production processes are …
complex coastal and marine social-ecological challenges. Co-production processes are …
“Awakening the slee** giant”: re-Indigenization principles for transforming biodiversity conservation in Canada and beyond
Precipitous declines in biodiversity threaten planetary boundaries, requiring transformative
changes to conservation. Colonial systems have decimated species and ecosystems and …
changes to conservation. Colonial systems have decimated species and ecosystems and …
[HTML][HTML] Indigenous protected and conserved areas (IPCAs), Aichi Target 11 and Canada's Pathway to Target 1: Focusing conservation on reconciliation
This article provides analysis of the issues relating to movement towards new models for
Indigenous-led conservation in light of Canada's initiatives for greater protected areas …
Indigenous-led conservation in light of Canada's initiatives for greater protected areas …
The RACE for freshwater biodiversity: Essential actions to create the social context for meaningful conservation
Freshwater habitats are experiencing two to three times the rate of biodiversity loss of
terrestrial and marine habitats. As status quo actions within the conservation community are …
terrestrial and marine habitats. As status quo actions within the conservation community are …
The need for formal reflexivity in conservation science
P Boyce, J Bhattacharyya, W Linklater - Conservation Biology, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Conservation issues are often complicated by sociopolitical controversies that reflect
competing philosophies and values regarding natural systems, animals, and people …
competing philosophies and values regarding natural systems, animals, and people …