Analysis and synthesis of Industry 4.0 research landscape: Using latent semantic analysis approach

AA Wagire, APS Rathore, R Jain - Journal of Manufacturing …, 2020 -
Purpose In recent years, Industry 4.0 has received immense attention from academic
community, practitioners and the governments across nations resulting in explosive growth …

OpenStreetMap history for intrinsic quality assessment: Is OSM up-to-date?

M Minghini, F Frassinelli - Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards, 2019 - Springer
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a well-known crowdsourcing project which aims to create a
geospatial database of the whole world. Intrinsic approaches based on the analysis of the …

Review of dimension reduction methods

S Nanga, AT Bawah, BA Acquaye, MI Billa… - Journal of Data Analysis …, 2021 -
Purpose: This study sought to review the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses variants,
applications areas and data types applied on the various Dimension Reduction techniques …

OSM Science—The Academic Study of the OpenStreetMap Project, Data, Contributors, Community, and Applications

AY Grinberger, M Minghini, L Juhász… - … International Journal of …, 2022 -
This paper is an Editorial for the Special Issue titled “OpenStreetMap as a multidisciplinary
nexus: perspectives, practices and procedures”. The Special Issue is largely based on the …

Refining the scale of the rural-urban landscape: A policy-relevant application to Chile

G Anríquez, J Calabrese, W Foster, K Keim, P Osses - Applied Geography, 2024 - Elsevier
The rural-urban divide has traditionally been used to characterize key features of regions,
including features of economic geography like density and connectivity that determine the …

Identifying major research areas and minor research themes of android malware analysis and detection field using LSA

D Thakur, J Singh, G Dhiman, M Shabaz, T Gera - Complexity, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Contemporary technologies have ensured the availability of high‐quality research data
shared over the Internet. This has resulted in a tremendous availability of research literature …

An analysis of the spatial and temporal distribution of large‐scale data production events in OpenStreetMap

AY Grinberger, M Schott, M Raifer, A Zipf - Transactions in GIS, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Organized map** activities within OpenStreetMap frequently lead to the production of
massive amounts of data over a short period. In this article we utilize a novel procedure to …

An investigation of the temporality of OpenStreetMap data contribution activities

T Novack, L Vorbeck, A Zipf - Geo-spatial Information Science, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a dataset in constant change and this dynamic needs to be better
understood. Based on 12-year time series of seven OSM data contribution activities …

Extending Processing Toolbox for assessing the logical consistency of OpenStreetMap data

SS Sehra, J Singh, HS Rai, SS Anand - Transactions in GIS, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
OpenStreetMap (OSM) produces a huge amount of labeled spatial data, but its quality has
always been a deep concern. Numerous quality issues have been discussed in the vast …

A survey of research trends in assistive technologies using information modelling techniques

N Modi, J Singh - Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Background Despite the rapid proliferation and emphasis on technology, the use of assistive
technology among individuals with varying disabilities and age is different. This situation …