Analysis and synthesis of Industry 4.0 research landscape: Using latent semantic analysis approach
Purpose In recent years, Industry 4.0 has received immense attention from academic
community, practitioners and the governments across nations resulting in explosive growth …
community, practitioners and the governments across nations resulting in explosive growth …
OpenStreetMap history for intrinsic quality assessment: Is OSM up-to-date?
M Minghini, F Frassinelli - Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards, 2019 - Springer
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a well-known crowdsourcing project which aims to create a
geospatial database of the whole world. Intrinsic approaches based on the analysis of the …
geospatial database of the whole world. Intrinsic approaches based on the analysis of the …
Review of dimension reduction methods
Purpose: This study sought to review the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses variants,
applications areas and data types applied on the various Dimension Reduction techniques …
applications areas and data types applied on the various Dimension Reduction techniques …
OSM Science—The Academic Study of the OpenStreetMap Project, Data, Contributors, Community, and Applications
This paper is an Editorial for the Special Issue titled “OpenStreetMap as a multidisciplinary
nexus: perspectives, practices and procedures”. The Special Issue is largely based on the …
nexus: perspectives, practices and procedures”. The Special Issue is largely based on the …
Refining the scale of the rural-urban landscape: A policy-relevant application to Chile
G Anríquez, J Calabrese, W Foster, K Keim, P Osses - Applied Geography, 2024 - Elsevier
The rural-urban divide has traditionally been used to characterize key features of regions,
including features of economic geography like density and connectivity that determine the …
including features of economic geography like density and connectivity that determine the …
Identifying major research areas and minor research themes of android malware analysis and detection field using LSA
Contemporary technologies have ensured the availability of high‐quality research data
shared over the Internet. This has resulted in a tremendous availability of research literature …
shared over the Internet. This has resulted in a tremendous availability of research literature …
An analysis of the spatial and temporal distribution of large‐scale data production events in OpenStreetMap
AY Grinberger, M Schott, M Raifer, A Zipf - Transactions in GIS, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Organized map** activities within OpenStreetMap frequently lead to the production of
massive amounts of data over a short period. In this article we utilize a novel procedure to …
massive amounts of data over a short period. In this article we utilize a novel procedure to …
An investigation of the temporality of OpenStreetMap data contribution activities
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a dataset in constant change and this dynamic needs to be better
understood. Based on 12-year time series of seven OSM data contribution activities …
understood. Based on 12-year time series of seven OSM data contribution activities …
Extending Processing Toolbox for assessing the logical consistency of OpenStreetMap data
OpenStreetMap (OSM) produces a huge amount of labeled spatial data, but its quality has
always been a deep concern. Numerous quality issues have been discussed in the vast …
always been a deep concern. Numerous quality issues have been discussed in the vast …
A survey of research trends in assistive technologies using information modelling techniques
Background Despite the rapid proliferation and emphasis on technology, the use of assistive
technology among individuals with varying disabilities and age is different. This situation …
technology among individuals with varying disabilities and age is different. This situation …