The integration of programming in Swedish school mathematics: Investigating elementary mathematics textbooks

K Bråting, C Kilhamn - Scandinavian Journal of Educational …, 2022‏ - Taylor & Francis
We characterize the recently included programming content in Swedish mathematics
textbooks for elementary school. Especially, the connection between programming content …

Programmering i svensk skolmatematik: Programming in Swedish school mathematics

C Kilhamn, L Rolandsson… - … : International Journal on …, 2021‏ -
När programmering skulle inkorporeras i skolans arbete valde Sverige i sin
läroplansrevidering 2017 att skriva in det i matematikämnet, med stark koppling till algebra …

Teachers in the loop: Integrating computational thinking and mathematics to build early place value understanding

M Dahshan, T Galanti - Education Sciences, 2024‏ -
With increasing attention on the potential overlap between computational thinking (CT) and
mathematical reasoning, STEM education researchers seek to understand how integrating …

Nature of the relations between programming and computational thinking and mathematics in Danish teaching resources

R Elicer, AL Tamborg - 15th International Conference on Technology in …, 2022‏ -
This study investigates tasks in 14 didactical sequences developed to connect mathematics
and the new Danish subject called Technology Comprehension, which is currently being …

[PDF][PDF] A constructionist approach to learning computational thinking in mathematics lessons

W Yunianto, HS El-Kasti, RCI Prahmana… - Journal of Information …, 2024‏ -
A Constructionist Approach to Learning Computational Thinking in Mathematics Lessons Page
1 Volume 23, 2024 Accepting Editor Martin D Beer│ Received: May 7, 2024│ Revised: July …

[HTML][HTML] Understanding prospective teachers' task design considerations through the lens of the theory of didactical situations

W Daher, N Baya'a, O Jaber - Mathematics, 2022‏ -
Task design, in general, and task design in a technological environment, is attracting the
attention of educational researchers. The present research investigates task design of …

The professional identities of prospective mathematics teachers who teach through programming

OT Kaufmann, M Maugesten, T Meaney - Journal of Mathematics Teacher …, 2024‏ - Springer
As has been the case in many countries around the world, the new Norwegian curriculum
from 2020 included programming as part of mathematics education. However, little is known …

How Teachers Encourage Students' Mathematical Reasoning during the Covid-19 Pandemic?

YS Kusumah - JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia), 2022‏ -
Students' mathematical reasoning abilities can develop depending on the teacher's
involvement in the classroom. The problem that often occurs in the class is that the teacher's …

Mathematical competencies and programming: The Swedish case

K Bråting, C Kilhamn, L Rolandsson - Mathematical competencies in the …, 2023‏ - Springer
In this chapter, we consider opportunities and challenges of integrating programming in
school mathematics by looking closer at the Swedish case. Especially, we aim to unpack …