Superconductivity in iron compounds

GR Stewart - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2011‏ - APS
Kamihara and coworkers' report of superconductivity at T c= 26 K in fluorine-doped
LaFeAsO inspired a worldwide effort to understand the nature of the superconductivity in this …

Unconventional superconductivity

GR Stewart - Advances in Physics, 2017‏ - Taylor & Francis
'Conventional'superconductivity, as used in this review, refers to electron–phonon-coupled
superconducting electron pairs described by BCS theory. Unconventional superconductivity …

S-wave superconductivity in kagome metal CsV3Sb5 revealed by 121/123Sb NQR and 51V NMR measurements

C Mu, Q Yin, Z Tu, C Gong, H Lei, Z Li… - Chinese Physics …, 2021‏ -
We report 121/123 Sb nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) and 51 V nuclear magnetic
resonance (NMR) measurements on kagome metal CsV 3 Sb 5 with T c= 2.5 K. Both 51 V …

Gap symmetry and structure of Fe-based superconductors

PJ Hirschfeld, MM Korshunov… - Reports on Progress in …, 2011‏ -
The recently discovered Fe-pnictide and chalcogenide superconductors display low-
temperature properties suggesting superconducting gap structures which appear to vary …

High-temperature superconductivity in iron-based materials

J Paglione, RL Greene - Nature physics, 2010‏ -
The surprising discovery of superconductivity in layered iron-based materials, with transition
temperatures climbing as high as 55 K, has led to thousands of publications on this subject …

Strongly dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate of dysprosium

M Lu, NQ Burdick, SH Youn, BL Lev - Physical review letters, 2011‏ - APS
We report the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of the most magnetic element, dysprosium.
The Dy BEC is the first for an open f-shell lanthanide (rare-earth) element and is produced …

The puzzle of high temperature superconductivity in layered iron pnictides and chalcogenides

DC Johnston - Advances in Physics, 2010‏ - Taylor & Francis
The response of the worldwide scientific community to the discovery in 2008 of
superconductivity at T c= 26 K in the Fe-based compound LaFeAsO1− x F x has been very …

To what extent iron-pnictide new superconductors have been clarified: a progress report

K Ishida, Y Nakai, H Hosono - Journal of the Physical Society of …, 2009‏ -
In this review, the authors present a summary of experimental reports on newly discovered
iron-based superconductors as they were known at the end of 2008. At the same time, this …

Pnictogen height as a possible switch between high- nodeless and low- nodal pairings in the iron-based superconductors

K Kuroki, H Usui, S Onari, R Arita, H Aoki - Physical Review B—Condensed …, 2009‏ - APS
We study the effect of the lattice structure on the spin-fluctuation-mediated superconductivity
in the iron pnictides adopting the five-band models of several virtual lattice structures of …

Pairing symmetry and pairing state in ferropnictides: Theoretical overview

II Mazin, J Schmalian - Physica C: Superconductivity, 2009‏ - Elsevier
We review the main ingredients for an unconventional pairing state in the ferropnictides, with
particular emphasis on interband pairing due to magnetic fluctuations. Summarizing the key …