[KNJIGA][B] Understanding international relations

C Brown, K Ainley - 2009 - Springer
Wherever different territorially-based political orders coexist in the same social world, some
form of international relations is to be found–even though the term itself was not coined until …

The evolution, function, and meaning of marmot alarm communication

DT Blumstein - Advances in the Study of Behavior, 2007 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the evolution, function, and meaning of marmot
alarm communication. Alarm calls are a system in which one can study the dynamics of …

[KNJIGA][B] Militarizing the environment: Climate change and the security state

RP Marzec - 2015 - books.google.com
As the seriousness of climate change becomes more and more obvious, military institutions
are responding by taking a prominent role in the governing of environmental concerns …

Firearms on college campuses: An empirical review of support and opposition

JH Price, J Khubchandani - Violence and gender, 2022 - liebertpub.com
The impression that college campuses are becoming more dangerous places where firearm
violence is common (moral panic) is simply untrue. The result of this erroneous impression is …

The tragedy of cognition: psychological biases and environmental inaction

D Johnson, S Levin - Current science, 2009 - JSTOR
In an ideal world, people would tackle major crises such as global climate change as
rational actors, weighing the costs, benefits and probabilities of success of alternative …

Designing products against crime

P Ekblom - Handbook of crime prevention and community safety, 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Design against crime (DAC) uses the processes and products of design to reduce crime and
promote community safety. As will be seen, the focus in this chapter is specifically on the …

[KNJIGA][B] In the name of God: The evolutionary origins of religious ethics and violence

J Teehan - 2011 - books.google.com
Religion is one of the most powerful forces running through human history, and although
often presented as a force for good, its impact is frequently violent and divisive. This …

The evolution of unconventional warfare

D Kilcullen - 2019 - unsworks.unsw.edu.au
While Unconventional Warfare (UW) remains a viable, low-cost method of indirect warfare,
some of the assumptions underpinning traditional UW have diverged from reality in the last …

Gun attitudes on campus: United and divided by safety needs

JA Shepperd, G Pogge, JE Losee… - The Journal of Social …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
All people share a need for safety. Yet people's pursuit of safety can conflict when it comes
to guns, with some people perceiving guns as a means to safety and others perceiving guns …

Structural realism, classical realism and human nature

C Brown - Realism and world politics, 2010 - taylorfrancis.com
It is, I think, generally acknowledged that Waltz's major books are 'modern classics'. There
are those who claim to see no merit in Theory of International Politics and to regard its …