Site effects and soil-foundation-structure interaction: derivation of fragility curves and comparison with codes-conforming approaches for a masonry school
The paper investigates the role of site-amplification and soil-foundation-structure (SFS)
interaction on the seismic response of masonry structures. The aim is twofold: to quantify the …
interaction on the seismic response of masonry structures. The aim is twofold: to quantify the …
[HTML][HTML] Soil-structure interaction effects on out-of-plane seismic response and damage of masonry buildings with shallow foundations
A significant amount of damage and casualties induced by several strong-motion
earthquakes which recently stroke South-East Mediterranean area is due to the major …
earthquakes which recently stroke South-East Mediterranean area is due to the major …
Evaluating seismic resilience of steel buildings: integrating soil-structure interaction and ensemble modeling approaches
Seismic design has been a fundamental concern in structural engineering since the early
19th century, with the development of various assessment techniques such as static …
19th century, with the development of various assessment techniques such as static …
Fragility curves for reinforced concrete (RC)/steel vertical hybrid frame structure under mainshock–aftershock sequences
ABSTRACT A reinforced concrete (RC)/steel vertical hybrid frame structure usually consists
of a lower concrete structure and an upper steel structure connected in series. This study …
of a lower concrete structure and an upper steel structure connected in series. This study …
Fragility analysis of steel MRFs: Effects of frequency-content components of near-fault pulse-like ground motions and setbacks
Abstract Near-fault (NF) pulse-like ground motions may contain long-period velocity pulses
and high-frequency acceleration records, which impose significant damage on structures …
and high-frequency acceleration records, which impose significant damage on structures …
The probabilistic performance-based seismic assessment of concrete bridge piers with SMASC reinforcing bars: Effect of pulse-like ground motion and vertical load-to …
Concrete bridge piers are critical components of bridge structures and their performance
under seismic loading is of utmost importance. Traditional reinforced concrete bridge piers …
under seismic loading is of utmost importance. Traditional reinforced concrete bridge piers …
Soil-structure interaction and frequency components of near-fault records on the performance-based confidence levels of steel setback MRFs
This paper investigates the role of soil-structure interaction (SSI) in the confidence levels of
setback steel moment-resisting frames (MRFs) for meeting the structural performance …
setback steel moment-resisting frames (MRFs) for meeting the structural performance …
Probabilistic collapse assessment of steel frame structures considering the effects of soil-structure interaction and height
M Sabouniaghdam… - Scientia …, 2022 - scientiairanica.sharif.edu
This paper investigates the seismic performance of Intermediate Moment-Resisting Steel
Frame structures considering the effects of height and soil-structure interaction. For this …
Frame structures considering the effects of height and soil-structure interaction. For this …
Seismic performance assessment of semi active tuned mass damper in an MRF steel building including nonlinear soil–pile–structure interaction
In this study the efficiency of Semi Active Tuned Mass Damper (STMD) on seismic response
reduction in a moment resisting frame steel building considering soil-pile-structure …
reduction in a moment resisting frame steel building considering soil-pile-structure …
Estimation of the inelastic displacement ratio for structures considering nonlinear soil-structure interaction
This study considers the effect of soil-structure interaction (SSI) on the inelastic displacement
ratio (IDR) of structures and presents predictive equations for estimating IDR due to the …
ratio (IDR) of structures and presents predictive equations for estimating IDR due to the …