[HTML][HTML] Virtual restoration and virtual reconstruction in cultural heritage: terminology, methodologies, visual representation techniques and cognitive models

E Pietroni, D Ferdani - Information, 2021 - mdpi.com
Today, the practice of making digital replicas of artworks and restoring and recontextualizing
them within artificial simulations is widespread in the virtual heritage domain. Virtual …

Strategic planning for virtual exhibitions and visitors' experience: A multidisciplinary approach for museums in the digital age

V Kamariotou, M Kamariotou, F Kitsios - Digital Applications in Archaeology …, 2021 - Elsevier
The research objectives of this paper are the recognition of the fundamental–and frequently
ignored–principles of what it entails to be 'digital'in cultural background and conclusions on …

ATON: An open-source framework for creating immersive, collaborative and liquid web-apps for cultural heritage

B Fanini, D Ferdani, E Demetrescu, S Berto… - Applied Sciences, 2021 - mdpi.com
The web and its recent advancements represent a great opportunity to build universal, rich,
multi-user and immersive Web3D/WebXR applications targeting Cultural Heritage field …

[HTML][HTML] From field archaeology to virtual reconstruction: A five steps method using the extended matrix

E Demetrescu, D Ferdani - Applied Sciences, 2021 - mdpi.com
This article is framed into the theoretical and methodological background of virtual
archaeology. The advantages of virtual archaeology and its weak points have long been …

E-Archeo: A pilot national project to valorize Italian archaeological parks through digital and virtual reality technologies

E Pietroni, S Menconero, C Botti, F Ghedini - Applied System Innovation, 2023 - mdpi.com
Commissioned to ALES spa by the Ministry of Culture (MiC), the e-Archeo project was born
with the intention of enhancing and promoting knowledge of some Italian archaeological …

Temporal lensing: an interactive and scalable technique for Web3D/WebXR applications in cultural heritage

B Fanini, D Ferdani, E Demetrescu - Heritage, 2021 - mdpi.com
Today, Web3D technologies and the rise of new standards, combined with faster browsers
and better hardware integration, allow the creation of engaging and interactive web …

Advanced interactive digital storytelling in digital heritage applications

S Rizvic, D Boskovic, B Mijatovic - Digital Applications in Archaeology and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract Interactive Digital Storytelling (IDS) is a way of communicating information in the
metaverse (Barbara and Haahr, 2022). In this paper we introduce the Advanced Interactive …

The use of serious games as an educational and dissemination tool for archaeological heritage potential and challenges for the future

S Mariotti - 2021 - elea.unisa.it
In the last decades, digital technologies have pervaded every aspect of the production of
archaeological knowledge and they have been massively used to communicate the past …

Exploring digital means to engage visitors with Roman culture: virtual reality vs. tangible interaction

D Petrelli, AJ Roberts - ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
To effectively communicate the archaeological remains of the distant past is a challenge:
Little may be left to see, and the culture may be very different to comprehend. This article …

Educational Games of Museums: A Literature Review

J Zhang, T Zhu, X Chang - Games and Culture, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
On the basis of theoretical verification and case support of gamified learning effects,
educational games have been widely valued by museum education providers for their …