Narrow bandgap colloidal metal chalcogenide quantum dots: synthetic methods, heterostructures, assemblies, electronic and infrared optical properties
SV Kershaw, AS Susha, AL Rogach - Chemical Society Reviews, 2013 - pubs.rsc.org
The chemistry, material processing and fundamental understanding of colloidal
semiconductor nanocrystals (quantum dots) are advancing at an astounding rate, bringing …
semiconductor nanocrystals (quantum dots) are advancing at an astounding rate, bringing …
Colloidal quantum dot based infrared detectors: extending to the mid-infrared and moving from the lab to the field
Quantum dots (QDs) that absorb in the mid-wave infrared (MWIR) regime (3–5 μm) have
recently generated significant interest as possible detector materials for MWIR cameras, with …
recently generated significant interest as possible detector materials for MWIR cameras, with …
Colloidal PbS quantum dot photodiode imager with suppressed dark current
Y Wang, H Hu, M Yuan, H ** of native ligands from nanocrystal surfaces by using Meerwein's salt
EL Rosen, R Buonsanti, A Llordes… - Angewandte Chemie …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Native coordinating ligands acquired during the chemical synthesis of colloidal nanocrystals
are optimized primarily for their ability to exert control over nanocrystal size, composition …
are optimized primarily for their ability to exert control over nanocrystal size, composition …
Confined-but-connected quantum solids via controlled ligand displacement
Confined-but-connected quantum dot solids (QDS) combine the advantages of tunable,
quantum-confined energy levels with efficient charge transport through enhanced electronic …
quantum-confined energy levels with efficient charge transport through enhanced electronic …
Colloidal nanocrystal quantum dot assemblies as artificial solids
T Hanrath - Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 2012 - pubs.aip.org
The prospect of designing novel materials with electrical, optical, and magnetic properties by
design has intrigued scientists and engineers for years. Building blocks for such “artificial …
design has intrigued scientists and engineers for years. Building blocks for such “artificial …
Probing the cw-Laser-Induced Fluorescence Enhancement in CsPbBr3 Nanocrystal Thin Films: An Interplay between Photo and Thermal Activation
GF de Souza, LF Magalhães… - … Applied Materials & …, 2024 - ACS Publications
Perovskite nanocrystals hold significant promise for a wide range of applications, including
solar cells, LEDs, photocatalysts, humidity and temperature sensors, memory devices, and …
solar cells, LEDs, photocatalysts, humidity and temperature sensors, memory devices, and …
Suppression of Thermally Induced Surface Traps in Colloidal Quantum Dot Solids via Ultrafast Pulsed Light
EJ Lee, W Lee, TH Yun, HR You, HJ Kim, HN Yu… - Small, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Thermal annealing (TA) of colloidal quantum dot (CQD) films is considered an important
process for recent high‐performing CQD solar cells (SCs) due to its beneficial effects on …
process for recent high‐performing CQD solar cells (SCs) due to its beneficial effects on …