How weird is CHI?
Computer technology is often designed in technology hubs in Western countries, invariably
making it “WEIRD”, because it is based on the intuition, knowledge, and values of people …
making it “WEIRD”, because it is based on the intuition, knowledge, and values of people …
Platform-mediated food delivery work: a review for CSCW
CSCW holds a valuable set of notions and tools for future granular inquiry into the work
practice on food delivery platforms and pertinent questions from the field of food delivery …
practice on food delivery platforms and pertinent questions from the field of food delivery …
Human-machine partnerships in the future of work: exploring the role of emerging technologies in future workplaces
Technologies in the workplace have been a major focus of CSCW, including studies that
investigate technologies for collaborative work, explore new work environments, and …
investigate technologies for collaborative work, explore new work environments, and …
The dimensions of data labor: A road map for researchers, activists, and policymakers to empower data producers
Many recent technological advances (eg ChatGPT and search engines) are possible only
because of massive amounts of user-generated data produced through user interactions …
because of massive amounts of user-generated data produced through user interactions …
Automated emotion recognition in the workplace: How proposed technologies reveal potential futures of work
Emotion recognition technologies, while critiqued for bias, validity, and privacy invasion,
continue to be developed and applied in a range of domains including in high-stakes …
continue to be developed and applied in a range of domains including in high-stakes …
Prefigurative design as a method for research justice
M Asad - Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer …, 2019 -
While there is growing concern around justice and equity, they mean different things in
different socio-political and cultural contexts. Additionally, it can be difficult to make sense of …
different socio-political and cultural contexts. Additionally, it can be difficult to make sense of …
Worker-centered design: Expanding HCI methods for supporting labor
HCI has long considered sites of workplace collaboration. From airline cockpits to distributed
groupware systems, scholars emphasize the importance of supporting a multitude of tasks …
groupware systems, scholars emphasize the importance of supporting a multitude of tasks …
Gig platforms, tensions, alliances and ecosystems: An actor-network perspective
The algorithm-based management exercised by digital gig platforms contributes to
information and power asymmetries that are pervasive in the gig economy. Although the …
information and power asymmetries that are pervasive in the gig economy. Although the …
Delivery work and the experience of social isolation
The isolating nature of platform-based work, particularly gig work involving deliveries, has
created unintended consequences over how workers engage with peers, friends, family, and …
created unintended consequences over how workers engage with peers, friends, family, and …
Precarious interventions: Designing for ecologies of care
In this paper, we present ethnographic account of people's everyday behavioral health
experiences in the city of Jackson, Michigan to explore community forms of care work …
experiences in the city of Jackson, Michigan to explore community forms of care work …