Defect engineering advances thermoelectric materials
Defect engineering is an effective method for tuning the performance of thermoelectric
materials and shows significant promise in advancing thermoelectric performance. Given the …
materials and shows significant promise in advancing thermoelectric performance. Given the …
Enhancement in Thermoelectric Performance in Ti-doped Yb0.4Co4Sb12 Skutterudites via Carrier Optimization and Phonon Anharmonicity
Yb0. 4Co4Sb12, being a well-studied system, has shown notably high thermoelectric
performance due to the Yb filler atom-driven large concentration of charge carriers and …
performance due to the Yb filler atom-driven large concentration of charge carriers and …
Boosting Thermoelectric Performance in Nanocrystalline Ternary Skutterudite Thin Films through Metallic CoTe2 Integration
Metal–semiconductor nanocomposites have emerged as a viable strategy for concurrently
tailoring both thermal and electronic transport properties of established thermoelectric …
tailoring both thermal and electronic transport properties of established thermoelectric …
Thermal Expansion and Rattling Behavior of Gd-Filled Co4Sb12 Skutterudite Determined by High-Resolution Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction
In this work, Gd-filled skutterudite GdxCo4Sb12 was prepared using one step method under
high pressure in a piston-cylinder-based press at 3.5 GPa and moderate temperature of …
high pressure in a piston-cylinder-based press at 3.5 GPa and moderate temperature of …
Oxygen-Incorporated Lithium-Rich Iron Sulfide Cathodes for Li-Ion Batteries with Boosted Material Stability and Electrochemical Performance
Affordable and environmentally friendly electrode materials with multielectron redox
reactions are imperative for the advancement of next-generation Li-ion batteries. In this …
reactions are imperative for the advancement of next-generation Li-ion batteries. In this …
Phase boundary map** of Co4Sb12-xSnxTex pnictogen-substituted skutterudites
H Geng, H Zhu, Z Deng, Y Qu - Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2025 - Elsevier
CoSb 3-based skutterudite compound is one of the most promising thermoelectric materials
for power generation. To further reduce the lattice thermal conductivity, the Sn-Te …
for power generation. To further reduce the lattice thermal conductivity, the Sn-Te …
Enhanced power factor and suppressed lattice thermal conductivity of CoSb 3 skutterudite via Ni substitution and nanostructuring for high thermoelectric performance
Nanostructured Ni-substituted Co1− xNixSb3 (0≤ x≤ 0.08) samples were synthesized
using a hydrothermal method. X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed the phase purity of the …
using a hydrothermal method. X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed the phase purity of the …
Effect of HPHT technology and Se do** on thermoelectric properties of In filled Fe doped CoSb3 materials
ZL Guo, ZL Liu, X Wang, L Deng - Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024 - Elsevier
Skutterudite (CoSb 3) is a kind of promising environment-friendly medium-temperature
thermoelectric material. Indium-filled CoSb 3 has been widely studied, but its bipolar effect …
thermoelectric material. Indium-filled CoSb 3 has been widely studied, but its bipolar effect …
Possible reduction of lattice thermal conductivity in n-type CoSb2.875Te0.125 skutterudite originating from collaborative adjustment between Indium micro and α-WC …
M Uday Kumar, R Swetha, BV Sahana, RS Kuri… - Journal of Materials …, 2024 - Springer
In this work, single-phase Te-doped CoSb3 polycrystalline bulk (Indium powder) and
nanocomposites (α-WC nanopowder) were synthesized via a ball milling, hand-grinding and …
nanocomposites (α-WC nanopowder) were synthesized via a ball milling, hand-grinding and …