The health consequences of child marriage: a systematic review of the evidence
Background Child marriage, defined as marriage before 18 years of age, is a violation of
human rights and a marker of gender inequality. Growing attention to this issue on the global …
human rights and a marker of gender inequality. Growing attention to this issue on the global …
When the mother is a child: the impact of child marriage on the health and human rights of girls
A Raj - Archives of disease in childhood, 2010 -
While the above literature review offers important insight into social vulnerabilities attached
to early marriage of girls, as well as the health impact of such early marriage and related …
to early marriage of girls, as well as the health impact of such early marriage and related …
Child marriage and intimate partner violence: a comparative study of 34 countries
R Kidman - International journal of epidemiology, 2017 -
Abstract Background: Studies in South Asia suggest that child marriage is a strong risk factor
for intimate partner violence (IPV), but evidence outside the region is lacking. Methods: This …
for intimate partner violence (IPV), but evidence outside the region is lacking. Methods: This …
Effects of education and poverty on the prevalence of girl child marriage in India: A district–level analysis
P Paul - Children and Youth Services Review, 2019 - Elsevier
Girl child marriage remains widespread in India despite implementation of several policies
and programmes to eliminate the practice. This study examines the effects of girls' …
and programmes to eliminate the practice. This study examines the effects of girls' …
Girl child marriage as a risk factor for early childhood development and stunting
This paper quantitatively examines the intergenerational effects of girl child marriage, or the
developmental and health outcomes of children born to women who marry before age 18 …
developmental and health outcomes of children born to women who marry before age 18 …
Contraception in adolescence: the influence of parity and marital status on contraceptive use in 73 low-and middle-income countries
Background There is still a large gap in relation to effectively meet the contraceptive needs
and family planning goals of adolescents. Our aim was to describe how having a partner …
and family planning goals of adolescents. Our aim was to describe how having a partner …
Investigation of the key factors that influence the girls to enter into child marriage: A meta-synthesis of qualitative evidence
In this study, we synthesized findings from qualitative studies to identify the key factors that
influence child marriage. We used a meta-ethnographic approach coupled with thematic …
influence child marriage. We used a meta-ethnographic approach coupled with thematic …
[HTML][HTML] Prevalence and health impact of intimate partner violence and non-partner sexual violence among female adolescents aged 15–19 years in vulnerable urban …
Purpose Globally, adolescent women are at risk for gender-based violence (GBV) including
sexual violence and intimate partner violence (IPV). Those in economically distressed …
sexual violence and intimate partner violence (IPV). Those in economically distressed …
Domestic violence against women in India: A systematic review of a decade of quantitative studies
Domestic violence (DV) is prevalent among women in India and has been associated with
poor mental and physical health. We performed a systematic review of 137 quantitative …
poor mental and physical health. We performed a systematic review of 137 quantitative …
Girl child marriage and its association with national rates of HIV, maternal health, and infant mortality across 97 countries
This study was designed to assess associations between national rates of girl child marriage
and national rates of HIV and maternal and child health (MCH) concerns, using national …
and national rates of HIV and maternal and child health (MCH) concerns, using national …