Field-based fitness assessment in young people: the ALPHA health-related fitness test battery for children and adolescents
The present study summarises the work developed by the ALPHA (Assessing Levels of
Physical Activity) study and describes the procedures followed to select the tests included in …
Physical Activity) study and describes the procedures followed to select the tests included in …
Criterion-related validity of field-based fitness tests in youth: a systematic review
The objective of this systematic review was to comprehensively study the criterion-related
validity of the existing field-based fitness tests used in children and adolescents. The studies …
validity of the existing field-based fitness tests used in children and adolescents. The studies …
International normative 20 m shuttle run values from 1 142 026 children and youth representing 50 countries
Objective To develop sex-specific and age-specific international norms for the 20 m shuttle
run test (20mSRT) in children and youth (aged 9–17 years), and to estimate the prevalence …
run test (20mSRT) in children and youth (aged 9–17 years), and to estimate the prevalence …
Actigraph GT3X: validation and determination of physical activity intensity cut points
A Santos-Lozano, F Santin-Medeiros… - … journal of sports …, 2013 - thieme-connect.com
The aims of this study were: to compare energy expenditure (EE) estimated from the existing
GT3X accelerometer equations and EE measured with indirect calorimetry; to define new …
GT3X accelerometer equations and EE measured with indirect calorimetry; to define new …
Physical fitness levels among European adolescents: the HELENA study
Objective To report sex-and age-specific physical fitness levels in European adolescents.
Methods A sample of 3428 adolescents (1845 girls) aged 12.5–17.49 years from 10 …
Methods A sample of 3428 adolescents (1845 girls) aged 12.5–17.49 years from 10 …
Systematic review of the relationship between 20 m shuttle run performance and health indicators among children and youth
Objective This systematic review aimed to summarize research that assessed the
associations between 20 m shuttle run test (20mSRT) performance and indicators of …
associations between 20 m shuttle run test (20mSRT) performance and indicators of …
The International Fitness Scale (IFIS): usefulness of self-reported fitness in youth
Background We examined:(i) the usefulness of the International Fitness Scale (IFIS) to
correctly rank adolescents into physical fitness levels;(ii) the capacity of the IFIS for …
correctly rank adolescents into physical fitness levels;(ii) the capacity of the IFIS for …
Making a case for cardiorespiratory fitness surveillance among children and youth
The measurement of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) provides a feasible way to study the link
between physical activity and health among children and youth at the population level. The …
between physical activity and health among children and youth at the population level. The …
Physical activity, fitness, weight status, and cognitive performance in adolescents
OBJECTIVE: To examine the association of participation in physical sports activity during
leisure time, sedentary behaviors, cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, and weight status …
leisure time, sedentary behaviors, cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, and weight status …
[PDF][PDF] Batería ALPHA-Fitness: test de campo para la evaluación de la condición física relacionada con la salud en niños y adolescentes
En el presente estudio describe el trabajo desarrollado para la creación de la batería
ALPHA-Fitness de test de campo para la evaluación de la condición física relacionada con …
ALPHA-Fitness de test de campo para la evaluación de la condición física relacionada con …