Event-driven visual-tactile sensing and learning for robots
T Taunyazov, W Sng, HH See, B Lim, J Kuan… - ar** and in-hand
manipulation. New advances in flexible, event-driven, electronic skins may soon endow …
manipulation. New advances in flexible, event-driven, electronic skins may soon endow …
Boost event-driven tactile learning with location spiking neurons
Tactile sensing is essential for a variety of daily tasks. Inspired by the event-driven nature
and sparse spiking communication of the biological systems, recent advances in event …
and sparse spiking communication of the biological systems, recent advances in event …
Touchroller: A rolling optical tactile sensor for rapid assessment of textures for large surface areas
Tactile sensing is important for robots to perceive the world as it captures the physical
surface properties of the object with which it is in contact and is robust to illumination and …
surface properties of the object with which it is in contact and is robust to illumination and …
Tactonet: Tactile ordinal network based on unimodal probability for object hardness classification
Hardness is one of the most critical tactile properties for robots to recognize objects.
Machine learning methods have shown superior performance in object hardness …
Machine learning methods have shown superior performance in object hardness …
Fast texture classification using tactile neural coding and spiking neural network
Touch is arguably the most important sensing modality in physical interactions. However,
tactile sensing has been largely under-explored in robotics applications owing to the …
tactile sensing has been largely under-explored in robotics applications owing to the …
Extended tactile perception: Vibration sensing through tools and grasped objects
T Taunyazov, LS Song, E Lim, HH See… - 2021 IEEE/RSJ …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Humans display the remarkable ability to sense the world through tools and other held
objects. For example, we are able to pinpoint impact locations on a held rod and tell apart …
objects. For example, we are able to pinpoint impact locations on a held rod and tell apart …