Modeling the impact of climate warming on potato phenology
Understanding the influence of thermal trends, crop management practices, and genetics on
the crop developmental stages and phases is critical to develop adaptation strategies in the …
the crop developmental stages and phases is critical to develop adaptation strategies in the …
Modeling maize growth and nitrogen dynamics using CERES-Maize (DSSAT) under diverse nitrogen management options in a conservation agriculture-based maize …
Agricultural field experiments are costly and time-consuming, and often struggling to capture
spatial and temporal variability. Mechanistic crop growth models offer a solution to …
spatial and temporal variability. Mechanistic crop growth models offer a solution to …
Could agricultural system be adapted to climate change?: A review
Agriculture sector is the most sensitive sector depicted considerable impact of climatic
variability and poses threat of food security in future. The present review focuses on the …
variability and poses threat of food security in future. The present review focuses on the …
Projecting maize yield under local‐scale climate change scenarios using crop models: Sensitivity to sowing dates, cultivar, and nitrogen fertilizer rates
Abstract The APSIM‐Maize and CERES‐Maize models are widely used in impact studies to
analyze the effect of climate change on future maize yield. The study objectives were to …
analyze the effect of climate change on future maize yield. The study objectives were to …
Modeling the growth, yield and N dynamics of wheat for decoding the tillage and nitrogen nexus in 8-years long-term conservation agriculture based maize-wheat …
Context Agricultural field experiments are costly and time-consuming, and their site-specific
nature limits their ability to capture spatial and temporal variability. This hinders the transfer …
nature limits their ability to capture spatial and temporal variability. This hinders the transfer …
Nutrient dynamics and the role of modeling
Nutrients are required for plant growth and development, absence or shortage of this could
limit crop productivity. However, the misappropriate application of nutrients could cause …
limit crop productivity. However, the misappropriate application of nutrients could cause …
[HTML][HTML] Association analysis for agronomic traits in wheat under terminal heat stress
Terminal heat stress causes irreversible damage to wheat crop productivity. It reduces the
vegetative growth and flowering period that consequently declines the efficiency to capture …
vegetative growth and flowering period that consequently declines the efficiency to capture …
Simulation of wheat yield using CERES-Wheat under rainfed and supplemental irrigation conditions in a semi-arid environment
Wheat-fallow rotation is the major land-use system in the rainfed crop** system of
Pakistan. Crop production in rainfed crop** systems is often jeopardized due to the scare …
Pakistan. Crop production in rainfed crop** systems is often jeopardized due to the scare …
The effect of nitrogen-fertilizer and optimal plant population on the profitability of maize plots in the Wami River sub-basin, Tanzania: A bio-economic simulation …
Maize (Zea mays L.) is the essential staple in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and Tanzania in
particular; the crop accounts for over 30% of the food production, 20% of the agricultural …
particular; the crop accounts for over 30% of the food production, 20% of the agricultural …
[HTML][HTML] Evaluating APSIM-and-DSSAT-CERES-Maize models under rainfed conditions using zambian rainfed maize cultivars
Crop model calibration and validation is vital for establishing their credibility and ability in
simulating crop growth and yield. A split–split plot design field experiment was carried out …
simulating crop growth and yield. A split–split plot design field experiment was carried out …