Functional brain connectivity changes across the human life span: From fetal development to old age
The dynamic of the temporal correlations between brain areas, called functional connectivity
(FC), undergoes complex transformations through the life span. In this review, we aim to …
(FC), undergoes complex transformations through the life span. In this review, we aim to …
Dynamic graph metrics: Tutorial, toolbox, and tale
AE Sizemore, DS Bassett - NeuroImage, 2018 - Elsevier
The central nervous system is composed of many individual units–from cells to areas–that
are connected with one another in a complex pattern of functional interactions that supports …
are connected with one another in a complex pattern of functional interactions that supports …
Extending the Human Connectome Project across ages: Imaging protocols for the Lifespan Development and Aging projects
Abstract The Human Connectome Projects in Development (HCP-D) and Aging (HCP-A) are
two large-scale brain imaging studies that will extend the recently completed HCP Young …
two large-scale brain imaging studies that will extend the recently completed HCP Young …
Common variants contribute to intrinsic human brain functional networks
The human brain forms functional networks of correlated activity, which have been linked
with both cognitive and clinical outcomes. However, the genetic variants affecting brain …
with both cognitive and clinical outcomes. However, the genetic variants affecting brain …
[HTML][HTML] When functional blurring becomes deleterious: Reduced system segregation is associated with less white matter integrity and cognitive decline in aging
Healthy aging is accompanied by progressive decline in cognitive performance and
concomitant changes in brain structure and functional architecture. Age-accompanied …
concomitant changes in brain structure and functional architecture. Age-accompanied …
Structure-function coupling in white matter uncovers the abnormal brain connectivity in schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is characterized by dysconnectivity syndrome. Evidence of widespread
impairment of structural and functional integration has been demonstrated in schizophrenia …
impairment of structural and functional integration has been demonstrated in schizophrenia …
Resting-state networks in the course of aging—differential insights from studies across the lifespan vs. amongst the old
C Jockwitz, S Caspers - Pflügers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology, 2021 - Springer
Resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) has widely been used to examine
reorganization of functional brain networks during normal aging. The extraction of …
reorganization of functional brain networks during normal aging. The extraction of …
Functional connectome through the human life span
The lifespan growth of the functional connectome remains unknown. Here, we assemble
task-free functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging data from 33,250 individuals …
task-free functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging data from 33,250 individuals …
Age-related alterations in axonal microstructure in the corpus callosum measured by high-gradient diffusion MRI
Cerebral white matter exhibits age-related degenerative changes during the course of
normal aging, including decreases in axon density and alterations in axonal structure …
normal aging, including decreases in axon density and alterations in axonal structure …
Structure–Function Interactions in the Hippocampus and Prefrontal Cortex Are Associated with Episodic Memory in Healthy Aging
Aging comes with declines in episodic memory. Memory decline is accompanied by
structural and functional alterations within key brain regions, including the hippocampus and …
structural and functional alterations within key brain regions, including the hippocampus and …