[CARTE][B] Computer architecture: a quantitative approach
JL Hennessy, DA Patterson - 2011 - books.google.com
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Fifth Edition, explores the ways that
software and technology in the cloud are accessed by digital media, such as cell phones …
software and technology in the cloud are accessed by digital media, such as cell phones …
Selective cache ways: On-demand cache resource allocation
DH Albonesi - MICRO-32. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual …, 1999 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Increasing levels of microprocessor power dissipation call for new approaches at the
architectural level that save energy by better matching of on-chip resources to application …
architectural level that save energy by better matching of on-chip resources to application …
Exploiting hardware performance counters with flow and context sensitive profiling
A program profile attributes run-time costs to portions of a program's execution. Most
profiling systems suffer from two major deficiencies: first, they only apportion simple metrics …
profiling systems suffer from two major deficiencies: first, they only apportion simple metrics …
[CARTE][B] Numerical computation 1: methods, software, and analysis
CW Ueberhuber - 2012 - books.google.com
This book deals with various aspects of scientific numerical computing. No at tempt was
made to be complete or encyclopedic. The successful solution of a numerical problem has …
made to be complete or encyclopedic. The successful solution of a numerical problem has …
Understanding {RDMA} microarchitecture resources for performance isolation
Recent years have witnessed the wide adoption of RDMA in the cloud to accelerate first-
party workloads and achieve cost savings by freeing up CPU cycles. Now cloud providers …
party workloads and achieve cost savings by freeing up CPU cycles. Now cloud providers …
Cache-conscious data placement
As the gap between memory and processor speeds continues to widen, cache eficiency is
an increasingly important component of processor performance. Compiler techniques have …
an increasingly important component of processor performance. Compiler techniques have …
Cache miss equations: a compiler framework for analyzing and tuning memory behavior
With the ever-widening performance gap between processors and main memory, cache
memory, which is used to bridge this gap, is becoming more and more significant. Caches …
memory, which is used to bridge this gap, is becoming more and more significant. Caches …
[PDF][PDF] Cache conscious algorithms for relational query processing
A Shatdal, C Kant, JF Naughton - 1994 - minds.wisconsin.edu
The current main memory (DRAM) access speeds lag far behind CPU speeds. Cache
memory, made of static RAM, is being used in today's architectures to bridge this gap. It …
memory, made of static RAM, is being used in today's architectures to bridge this gap. It …
StatCache: A probabilistic approach to efficient and accurate data locality analysis
E Berg, E Hagersten - … Analysis of Systems and Software, 2004, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The widening memory gap reduces performance of applications with poor data locality.
Therefore, there is a need for methods to analyze data locality and help application …
Therefore, there is a need for methods to analyze data locality and help application …
The influence of caches on the performance of sorting
We investigate the effect that caches have on the performance of sorting algorithms both
experimentally and analytically. To address the performance problems that high cache miss …
experimentally and analytically. To address the performance problems that high cache miss …