Privacy-Preserving Data-Driven Learning Models for Emerging Communication Networks: A Comprehensive Survey
With the proliferation of Beyond 5G (B5G) communication systems and heterogeneous
networks, mobile broadband users are generating massive volumes of data that undergo …
networks, mobile broadband users are generating massive volumes of data that undergo …
On the use of artificial intelligence to deal with privacy in IoT systems: A systematic literature review
Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of Internet-enabled devices that can
make different operations, like sensing, communicating, and reacting to changes arising in …
make different operations, like sensing, communicating, and reacting to changes arising in …
Elf: accelerate high-resolution mobile deep vision with content-aware parallel offloading
As mobile devices continuously generate streams of images and videos, a new class of
mobile deep vision applications are rapidly emerging, which usually involve running deep …
mobile deep vision applications are rapidly emerging, which usually involve running deep …
SPDS: A secure and auditable private data sharing scheme for smart grid based on blockchain
The exponential growth of data generated from increasing smart meters and smart
appliances brings about huge potentials for more efficient energy production, pricing, and …
appliances brings about huge potentials for more efficient energy production, pricing, and …
Fedgraph: Federated graph learning with intelligent sampling
Federated learning has attracted much research attention due to its privacy protection in
distributed machine learning. However, existing work of federated learning mainly focuses …
distributed machine learning. However, existing work of federated learning mainly focuses …
Melon: Breaking the memory wall for resource-efficient on-device machine learning
On-device learning is a promising technique for emerging privacy-preserving machine
learning paradigms. However, through quantitative experiments, we find that commodity …
learning paradigms. However, through quantitative experiments, we find that commodity …
Deeppayload: Black-box backdoor attack on deep learning models through neural payload injection
Deep learning models are increasingly used in mobile applications as critical components.
Unlike the program bytecode whose vulnerabilities and threats have been widely-discussed …
Unlike the program bytecode whose vulnerabilities and threats have been widely-discussed …
No privacy left outside: On the (in-) security of tee-shielded dnn partition for on-device ml
On-device ML introduces new security challenges: DNN models become white-box
accessible to device users. Based on white-box information, adversaries can conduct …
accessible to device users. Based on white-box information, adversaries can conduct …
DarKnight: An accelerated framework for privacy and integrity preserving deep learning using trusted hardware
Privacy and security-related concerns are growing as machine learning reaches diverse
application domains. The data holders want to train or infer with private data while exploiting …
application domains. The data holders want to train or infer with private data while exploiting …