Betwixt and between 2-factor Hamiltonian and Perfect-Matching-Hamiltonian graphs

F Romaniello, JP Zerafa - arxiv preprint arxiv:2109.03060, 2021 -
A Hamiltonian graph is 2-factor Hamiltonian (2FH) if each of its 2-factors is a Hamiltonian
cycle. A similar, but weaker, property is the Perfect-Matching-Hamiltonian property (PMH …

Perfect matchings, Hamiltonian cycles and edge-colourings in a class of cubic graphs

M Abreu, JB Gauci, D Labbate, F Romaniello… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2021 -
A graph $ G $ has the Perfect-Matching-Hamiltonian property (PMH-property) if for each one
of its perfect matchings, there is another perfect matching of $ G $ such that the union of the …

Conformally rigid graphs

S Steinerberger, RR Thomas - arxiv preprint arxiv:2402.11758, 2024 -
Given a finite, simple, connected graph $ G=(V, E) $ with $| V|= n $, we consider the
associated graph Laplacian matrix $ L= DA $ with eigenvalues $0=\lambda_1<\lambda_2 …

The Perfect Matching Hamiltonian property in Prism and Crossed Prism graphs

F Colangelo, F Romaniello - arxiv preprint arxiv:2411.09724, 2024 -
A graph $ G $ has the\emph {Perfect Matching Hamiltonian property}(or for short, $ G $ is $
PMH $) if, for each one of its perfect matchings, there is another perfect matching of $ G …

[HTML][HTML] The Pairing-Hamiltonian property in graph prisms

M Abreu, G Mazzuoccolo, F Romaniello, JP Zerafa - Discrete Mathematics, 2025 - Elsevier
Let G be a graph of even order, and consider KG as the complete graph on the same vertex
set as G. A perfect matching of KG is called a pairing of G. If for every pairing M of G it is …


张子凡, 杨卫华 - Journal of **njiang University (Natural …, 2024 -
令Q3DCq= Q1Q2··· Qq 为三维超立方体与圈的笛卡儿积图, Qi (1≤ i≤ q) 同构于Q3, M
为Q3DCq 的完美匹配. 依据每个Q3 中是否有点被连接两个Q3 的M 中边饱和, 把Q3DCq …