Cellular, wide-area, and non-terrestrial IoT: A survey on 5G advances and the road toward 6G
The next wave of wireless technologies is proliferating in connecting things among
themselves as well as to humans. In the era of the Internet of Things (IoT), billions of …
themselves as well as to humans. In the era of the Internet of Things (IoT), billions of …
Advancements and challenges in IoT simulators: A comprehensive review
The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as an important concept, bridging the physical and
digital worlds through interconnected devices. Although the idea of interconnected devices …
digital worlds through interconnected devices. Although the idea of interconnected devices …
A–Z survey of Internet of Things: Architectures, protocols, applications, recent advances, future directions and recommendations
Ubiquitous sensing, provided via wireless sensor networks technologies, disseminates
across many domains of contemporary day living. This provides the ability to sense, process …
across many domains of contemporary day living. This provides the ability to sense, process …
Edgecloudsim: An environment for performance evaluation of edge computing systems
Edge computing is a fast growing field of research that covers a spectrum of technologies
bringing the cloud computing services closer to the end user. Growing interest in this area …
bringing the cloud computing services closer to the end user. Growing interest in this area …
Internet of things (iot): Research, simulators, and testbeds
The Internet of Things (IoT) vision is increasingly being realized to facilitate convenient and
efficient human living. To conduct effective IoT research using the most appropriate tools …
efficient human living. To conduct effective IoT research using the most appropriate tools …
FogNetSim++: A toolkit for modeling and simulation of distributed fog environment
Fog computing is a technology that brings computing and storage resources near to the end
user. Being in its infancy, fog computing lacks standardization in terms of architectures and …
user. Being in its infancy, fog computing lacks standardization in terms of architectures and …
IoTSim‐Edge: a simulation framework for modeling the behavior of Internet of Things and edge computing environments
With the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing paradigms, billions of
IoT devices are being networked to support data‐driven and real‐time decision making …
IoT devices are being networked to support data‐driven and real‐time decision making …
A survey on blockchain, SDN and NFV for the smart-home security
Due to millions of loosely coupled devices, the smart-home security is gaining the attention
of industry professionals, attackers, and academic researchers. The smart home is a typical …
of industry professionals, attackers, and academic researchers. The smart home is a typical …
AuctionWhisk: Using an auction‐inspired approach for function placement in serverless fog platforms
Abstract The Function‐as‐a‐Service (FaaS) paradigm has a lot of potential as a computing
model for fog environments comprising both cloud and edge nodes, as compute requests …
model for fog environments comprising both cloud and edge nodes, as compute requests …
IoTSim-Osmosis: A framework for modeling and simulating IoT applications over an edge-cloud continuum
The osmotic computing paradigm sets out the principles and algorithms for simplifying the
deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) applications in integrated edge-cloud environments …
deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) applications in integrated edge-cloud environments …