Log-concave polynomials IV: approximate exchange, tight mixing times, and near-optimal sampling of forests

N Anari, K Liu, SO Gharan, C Vinzant… - Proceedings of the 53rd …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
We prove tight mixing time bounds for natural random walks on bases of matroids,
determinantal distributions, and more generally distributions associated with log-concave …

[CARTE][B] Spectral Independence a New Tool to Analyze Markov Chains

K Liu - 2023 - search.proquest.com
We introduce a versatile technique called spectral independence for the analysis of Markov
chain Monte Carlo algorithms in high-dimensional probability and statistics. We rigorously …

[HTML][HTML] Degree-Constrained Minimum Spanning Hierarchies in Graphs

M Molnar - Algorithms, 2024 - mdpi.com
The minimum spanning tree problem in graphs under budget-type degree constraints
(DCMST) is a well-known NP-hard problem. Spanning trees do not always exist, and the …

Sweeny dynamics for the random-cluster model with small

Z Peng, EM Elçi, Y Deng, H Hu - Physical Review E, 2023 - APS
The Sweeny algorithm for the Q-state random-cluster model in two dimensions is shown to
exhibit a rich mixture of critical dynamical scaling behaviors. As Q decreases, the so-called …

Implementing the Link‐Cut Tree

LMS Russo - Software: Practice and Experience, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
We consider the challenge of implementing the link‐cut tree data structure. This data
structure is well known and has had a wide impact on several theoretical results. However …

Wilson's Algorithm for Randomized Linear Algebra

YY Pilavci - 2022 - theses.hal.science
An extensive range of problems in machine learning deals with data structured over
networks/graphs. The examples vary from drug discovery to traffic forecasting, social …

[PDF][PDF] Algorithme de Wilson pour l'Algèbre Linéaire Randomisée Wilsons Algorithm for Randomized Linear Algebra

YY PILAVCI - y2p.github.io
Resumé Un large éventail de problèmes d'apprentissage automatique traite des données
structurées sur des réseaux/graphes. Les exemples vont de la découverte de médicaments …

[PDF][PDF] Complex networks analysis from an edge perspective

ASM Teixeira - 2019 - researchgate.net
If we carefully observe our daily lives and the systems in which we participate, we naturally
perceive that everything is somehow connected. From species evolution to social relations …

[PDF][PDF] special issue on efficient data structures

J Jansson - Algorithms, 2019 - ira.lib.polyu.edu.hk
algorithms Page 1 algorithms Editorial Editorial: Special Issue on Efficient Data Structures
Jesper Jansson Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung …

[CITARE][C] Simulating Quantum Gravity

TBH Gerstel, T Budd, R Loll - 2023