Digital storytelling using scratch: engaging children towards digital storytelling
R Vinayakumar, KP Soman… - 2018 9th international …, 2018 -
Engaging youngsters with ancient approaches in education, especially reading, grows ever
tougher in the face of their attachment to tablets and PC games. In this paper, we explore the …
tougher in the face of their attachment to tablets and PC games. In this paper, we explore the …
DB-learn: studying relational algebra concepts by snap** blocks
With the introduction of fundamental concept computational thinking, Block-based
programming tools are turning into more and more common in primary, middle and high …
programming tools are turning into more and more common in primary, middle and high …
Fractal geometry: enhancing computational thinking with mit scratch
Recent developments in pedagogy have focused upon computational thinking.
Computational thinking provides a way to solve the problem and it is a key practice of …
Computational thinking provides a way to solve the problem and it is a key practice of …
ALG-design: Facilitates to learn algorithmic thinking for beginners
Algorithmic thinking is one of the main key concepts in computational thinking. With using
computers in close to all areas of our lives, the progress of algorithmic solutions to problems …
computers in close to all areas of our lives, the progress of algorithmic solutions to problems …
Aventura Espacial: proposta de atividade para o desenvolvimento do Pensamento Computacional
Y da Silva Rosa, RHS Reiser… - … de Informática na …, 2021 -
Este trabalho descreve a proposta de uma atividade didática e lúdica que visa incentivar a
aprendizagem e o desenvolvimento de habilidades estratégicas, fundamentadas no …
aprendizagem e o desenvolvimento de habilidades estratégicas, fundamentadas no …
Benefits of computational thinking in entrepreneurship
Computational thinking is an essential skill that allows humans to solve a complex problem
that later on can be understood by computers and humans. Abstraction and automation are …
that later on can be understood by computers and humans. Abstraction and automation are …
Mobile Learning e Pensamento Computacional: contributos para o desenvolvimento de aplicações em contextos educativos
JMF Nunes - 2019 -
Aprender através de uma aplicação instalada num telemóvel só é possível porque a
evolução tecnológica foi enorme. O computador pessoal, a expansão das redes, os …
evolução tecnológica foi enorme. O computador pessoal, a expansão das redes, os …
CT-Blocks: learning computational thinking by snap** blocks
Technologies are growing rapidly and its applications are enormous in different strata of
society. In this paper especially we are talking about educational technologies. We could …
society. In this paper especially we are talking about educational technologies. We could …
[PDF][PDF] A Conceptual framework for computational thinking as a pedagogical device
S Chande - International Journal of Innovative Research in …, 2015 -
The permeation of computers in every aspect of human life has led to the recognition of the
knowledge of computers as a necessity. People in every domain are looking for automation …
knowledge of computers as a necessity. People in every domain are looking for automation …
Map-blocks: Playing with online data and infuse to think in a computational way
This paper introduces a new teaching tool for K-12 schools with the aid to transfigure the
way young peoples use of online data. The tool involves participators who don't have prior …
way young peoples use of online data. The tool involves participators who don't have prior …