Measures of complexity and entanglement in many-fermion systems

A Bulgac, M Kafker, I Abdurrahman - Physical Review C, 2023‏ - APS
There is no unique and widely accepted definition of the complexity measure (CM) of a
many-fermion wave function in the presence of interactions. The simplest many-fermion …

Observation of many-body dynamical localization

Y Guo, S Dhar, A Yang, Z Chen, H Yao… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2023‏ -
The quantum kicked rotor is a paradigmatic model system in quantum physics. As a driven
quantum system, it is used to study the transition from the classical to the quantum world and …

Non-Markovian character and irreversibility of real-time quantum many-body dynamics

A Bulgac, M Kafker, I Abdurrahman, I Stetcu - Physical Review C, 2024‏ - APS
The presence of pairing correlations within the time-dependent density-functional-theory
(TDDFT) extension to superfluid systems is tantamount to the presence of a quantum …

Scaling of the bulk polarization in extended and localized phases of a quasiperiodic model

B Hetényi - Physical Review B, 2024‏ - APS
We study the finite size scaling of the bulk polarization in a quasiperiodic (Aubry-André)
model using the geometric analog of the Binder cumulant. As a proof of concept, we show …

A scaling function for the particle entanglement entropy of fermions

H Radhakrishnan, M Thamm, H Barghathi… - Journal of Statistical …, 2023‏ -
Entanglement entropy under a particle bipartition generates complementary information to
mode entanglement because it is sensitive to interactions and particle statistics at leading …

Measures of complexity and entanglement in fermionic many-body systems

A Bulgac, M Kafker, I Abdurrahman - arxiv preprint arxiv:2203.04843, 2022‏ -
There is no unique and widely accepted definition of the complexity measure (CM) of a
many-fermion wave function in the presence of interactions. The simplest many-fermion …