Non-Abelian anyons and topological quantum computation
Topological quantum computation has emerged as one of the most exciting approaches to
constructing a fault-tolerant quantum computer. The proposal relies on the existence of …
constructing a fault-tolerant quantum computer. The proposal relies on the existence of …
NMR techniques for quantum control and computation
Fifty years of developments in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) have resulted in an
unrivaled degree of control of the dynamics of coupled two-level quantum systems. This …
unrivaled degree of control of the dynamics of coupled two-level quantum systems. This …
Compact ion-trap quantum computing demonstrator
Quantum information processing is steadily progressing from a purely academic discipline
towards applications throughout science and industry. Transitioning from lab-based, proof-of …
towards applications throughout science and industry. Transitioning from lab-based, proof-of …
Optimal quantum circuits for general two-qubit gates
F Vatan, C Williams - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2004 - APS
In order to demonstrate nontrivial quantum computations experimentally, such as the
synthesis of arbitrary entangled states, it will be useful to understand how to decompose a …
synthesis of arbitrary entangled states, it will be useful to understand how to decompose a …
Non-adiabatic holonomic quantum computation
We develop a non-adiabatic generalization of holonomic quantum computation in which
high-speed universal quantum gates can be realized using non-Abelian geometric phases …
high-speed universal quantum gates can be realized using non-Abelian geometric phases …
A geometric approach to quantum circuit lower bounds
MA Nielsen - arxiv preprint quant-ph/0502070, 2005 -
What is the minimal size quantum circuit required to exactly implement a specified n-qubit
unitary operation, U, without the use of ancilla qubits? We show that a lower bound on the …
unitary operation, U, without the use of ancilla qubits? We show that a lower bound on the …
A derivation of quantum theory from physical requirements
Quantum theory (QT) is usually formulated in terms of abstract mathematical postulates
involving Hilbert spaces, state vectors and unitary operators. In this paper, we show that the …
involving Hilbert spaces, state vectors and unitary operators. In this paper, we show that the …
Quantum logic and entanglement by neutral Rydberg atoms: methods and fidelity
XF Shi - Quantum Science and Technology, 2022 -
Quantum gates and entanglement based on dipole–dipole interactions of neutral Rydberg
atoms are relevant to both fundamental physics and quantum information science. The …
atoms are relevant to both fundamental physics and quantum information science. The …
Universal quantum circuit for two-qubit transformations with three controlled-NOT gates
G Vidal, CM Dawson - Physical Review A, 2004 - APS
We consider quantum circuits made of controlled-NOT (CNOT) gates and single-qubit
unitary gates and look for constructions that minimize the use of CNOT gates. We show, by …
unitary gates and look for constructions that minimize the use of CNOT gates. We show, by …
Quantum computing in the next-generation computational biology landscape: from protein folding to molecular dynamics
Modern biological science is trying to solve the fundamental complex problems of molecular
biology, which include protein folding, drug discovery, simulation of macromolecular …
biology, which include protein folding, drug discovery, simulation of macromolecular …