Status and initial physics performance studies of the MPD experiment at NICA

V Abgaryan, R Acevedo Kado, SV Afanasyev… - The European Physical …, 2022 - Springer
Abstract The Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) is under construction at the Joint
Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), with commissioning of the facility expected in late …

Properties of hot and dense matter from relativistic heavy ion collisions

P Braun-Munzinger, V Koch, T Schäfer, J Stachel - Physics Reports, 2016 - Elsevier
We review the progress achieved in extracting the properties of hot and dense matter from
relativistic heavy ion collisions at the relativistic heavy ion collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven …

Jet measurements in heavy ion physics

M Connors, C Nattrass, R Reed, S Salur - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2018 - APS
A hot, dense medium called a quark gluon plasma (QGP) is created in ultrarelativistic heavy
ion collisions. Early in the collision, hard parton scatterings generate high momentum …

[HTML][HTML] Direct photon production in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN= 2.76 TeV

J Adam, D Adamová, MM Aggarwal, GA Rinella… - Physics Letters B, 2016 - Elsevier
Direct photon production at mid-rapidity in Pb–Pb collisions at s NN= 2.76 TeV was studied
in the transverse momentum range 0.9< p T< 14 GeV/c. Photons were detected with the …

Production of photons in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

JF Paquet, C Shen, GS Denicol, M Luzum, B Schenke… - Physical Review C, 2016 - APS
In this work it is shown that the use of a hydrodynamical model of heavy-ion collisions which
incorporates recent developments, together with updated photon emission rates, greatly …

Centrality dependence of low-momentum direct-photon production in collisions at

A Adare, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba… - Physical Review C, 2015 - APS
The PHENIX experiment at RHIC has measured the centrality dependence of the direct
photon yield from Au+ Au collisions at s NN= 200 GeV down to p T= 0.4 GeV/c. Photons are …

Modelling relativistic heavy-ion collisions with dynamical transport approaches

M Bleicher, E Bratkovskaya - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2022 - Elsevier
We discuss the basic ideas of relativistic transport models used for the interpretation and
description of experimental data from heavy-ion collisions at high collision energies. We …

Measurement of Prompt -Meson Production in Collisions at

B Abelev, J Adam, D Adamová, MM Aggarwal… - Physical review …, 2014 - APS
The p T-differential production cross sections of the prompt charmed mesons D 0, D+, D*+,
and D s+ and their charge conjugate in the rapidity interval-0.96< y cms< 0.04 were …

Hydrodynamic approaches in relativistic heavy ion reactions

RD De Souza, T Koide, T Kodama - Progress in Particle and Nuclear …, 2016 - Elsevier
We review several facets of the hydrodynamic description of the relativistic heavy ion
collisions, starting from the historical motivation to the present understandings of the …

Initial state fluctuations and final state correlations in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

M Luzum, H Petersen - Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and …, 2014 -
We review the phenomenology and theory of bulk observables in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion
collisions, focusing on recent developments involving event-by-event fluctuations in the …