A survey of design and optimization for systolic array-based dnn accelerators
In recent years, it has been witnessed that the systolic array is a successful architecture for
DNN hardware accelerators. However, the design of systolic arrays also encountered many …
DNN hardware accelerators. However, the design of systolic arrays also encountered many …
A brief history of cellular automata
Cellular automata are simple models of computation which exhibit fascinatingly complex
behavior. They have captured the attention of several generations of researchers, leading to …
behavior. They have captured the attention of several generations of researchers, leading to …
[ספר][B] Dive into deep learning
Deep learning has revolutionized pattern recognition, introducing tools that power a wide
range of technologies in such diverse fields as computer vision, natural language …
range of technologies in such diverse fields as computer vision, natural language …
Can FPGAs beat GPUs in accelerating next-generation deep neural networks?
Current-generation Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), such as AlexNet and VGG, rely heavily
on dense floating-point matrix multiplication (GEMM), which maps well to GPUs (regular …
on dense floating-point matrix multiplication (GEMM), which maps well to GPUs (regular …
[ספר][B] Synchronization and linearity
F Baccelli, G Cohen, GJ Olsder, JP Quadrat - 1992 - rocq.inria.fr
The mathematical theory developed in this book finds its initial motivation in the modeling
and the analysis of the time behavior of a class of dynamic systems now often referred to as …
and the analysis of the time behavior of a class of dynamic systems now often referred to as …
[ספר][B] Kalman filtering
CK Chui, G Chen - 2017 - Springer
Kalman Filtering Page 1 Kalman Filtering Charles K. Chui Guanrong Chen with Real-Time
Applications Fifth Edition Page 2 Kalman Filtering Page 3 Charles K. Chui • Guanrong Chen …
Applications Fifth Edition Page 2 Kalman Filtering Page 3 Charles K. Chui • Guanrong Chen …
[ספר][B] Kernel methods and machine learning
SY Kung - 2014 - books.google.com
Offering a fundamental basis in kernel-based learning theory, this book covers both
statistical and algebraic principles. It provides over 30 major theorems for kernel-based …
statistical and algebraic principles. It provides over 30 major theorems for kernel-based …
Model-based current control of AC machines using the internal model control method
In this paper, the internal model control (IMC) method is applied to AC machine current
control. Permanent magnet synchronous machines and induction machines are considered …
control. Permanent magnet synchronous machines and induction machines are considered …
[ספר][B] Nonlinear digital filters: principles and applications
I Pitas, AN Venetsanopoulos - 2013 - books.google.com
The function of a filter is to transform a signal into another one more suit able for a given
purpose. As such, filters find applications in telecommunica tions, radar, sonar, remote …
purpose. As such, filters find applications in telecommunica tions, radar, sonar, remote …
[ספר][B] Advanced computer architecture: parallelism, scalability, programmability
Course Syllabus Course Title: Advanced Computer Architecture Page 1 Page 1 of 5
Philadelphia University Faculty of Information Technology Department of Computer Science …
Philadelphia University Faculty of Information Technology Department of Computer Science …