Lattice-based zero-knowledge proofs and applications: shorter, simpler, and more general
We present a much-improved practical protocol, based on the hardness of Module-SIS and
Module-LWE problems, for proving knowledge of a short vector s→ satisfying A s→= t→ mod …
Module-LWE problems, for proving knowledge of a short vector s→ satisfying A s→= t→ mod …
Improved non-interactive zero knowledge with applications to post-quantum signatures
Recent work, including ZKBoo, ZKB++, and Ligero, has developed efficient non-interactive
zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge (NIZKPoKs) for Boolean circuits based on symmetric …
zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge (NIZKPoKs) for Boolean circuits based on symmetric …
[HTML][HTML] Cryptographic primitives in blockchains
Blockchain, as one of the crypto-intensive creatures, has become a very hot topic recently.
Although many surveys have recently been dedicated to the security and privacy issues of …
Although many surveys have recently been dedicated to the security and privacy issues of …
Calamari and Falafl: logarithmic (linkable) ring signatures from isogenies and lattices
We construct efficient ring signatures (RS) from isogeny and lattice assumptions. Our ring
signatures are based on a logarithmic OR proof for group actions. We instantiate this group …
signatures are based on a logarithmic OR proof for group actions. We instantiate this group …
DualRing: Generic Construction of Ring Signatures with Efficient Instantiations
We introduce a novel generic ring signature construction, called DualRing, which can be
built from several canonical identification schemes (such as Schnorr identification) …
built from several canonical identification schemes (such as Schnorr identification) …
Succinct vector, polynomial, and functional commitments from lattices
Vector commitment schemes allow a user to commit to a vector of values x∈{0, 1} ℓ and
later, open up the commitment to a specific set of positions. Both the size of the commitment …
later, open up the commitment to a specific set of positions. Both the size of the commitment …
Post-quantum era privacy protection for intelligent infrastructures
As we move into a new decade, the global world of Intelligent Infrastructure (II) services
integrated into the Internet of Things (IoT) are at the forefront of technological advancements …
integrated into the Internet of Things (IoT) are at the forefront of technological advancements …
Efficient lattice-based zero-knowledge arguments with standard soundness: construction and applications
We provide new zero-knowledge argument of knowledge systems that work directly for a
wide class of language, namely, ones involving the satisfiability of matrix-vector relations …
wide class of language, namely, ones involving the satisfiability of matrix-vector relations …
Group signatures and more from isogenies and lattices: Generic, simple, and efficient
We construct an efficient dynamic group signature (or more generally an accountable ring
signature) from isogeny and lattice assumptions. Our group signature is based on a simple …
signature) from isogeny and lattice assumptions. Our group signature is based on a simple …
Signature schemes with efficient protocols and dynamic group signatures from lattice assumptions
A recent line of works–initiated by Gordon, Katz and Vaikuntanathan (Asiacrypt 2010)–gave
lattice-based constructions allowing users to authenticate while remaining hidden in a …
lattice-based constructions allowing users to authenticate while remaining hidden in a …