Sensory theories of developmental dyslexia: three challenges for research
Recent years have seen the publication of a range of new theories suggesting that the basis
of dyslexia might be sensory dysfunction. In this Opinion article, the evidence for and against …
of dyslexia might be sensory dysfunction. In this Opinion article, the evidence for and against …
Structural abnormalities in the dyslexic brain: A meta‐analysis of voxel‐based morphometry studies
We used coordinate‐based meta‐analysis in order to objectively quantify gray matter
abnormalities reported in nine Voxel‐Based Morphometry studies of developmental …
abnormalities reported in nine Voxel‐Based Morphometry studies of developmental …
[ספר][B] Cognitive development and cognitive neuroscience: The learning brain
U Goswami - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Cognitive Development and Cognitive Neuroscience: The Learning Brain is a thoroughly
revised edition of the bestselling Cognitive Development. The new edition of this full-colour …
revised edition of the bestselling Cognitive Development. The new edition of this full-colour …
[ספר][B] The dyslexia debate
JG Elliott, EL Grigorenko - 2014 - books.google.com
The Dyslexia Debate examines how we use the term" dyslexia" and questions its efficacy as
a diagnosis. While many believe that a diagnosis of dyslexia will shed light on a reader's …
a diagnosis. While many believe that a diagnosis of dyslexia will shed light on a reader's …
Reading in the brain of children and adults: A meta‐analysis of 40 functional magnetic resonance imaging studies
We used quantitative, coordinate‐based meta‐analysis to objectively synthesize age‐
related commonalities and differences in brain activation patterns reported in 40 functional …
related commonalities and differences in brain activation patterns reported in 40 functional …
Meta-analyzing brain dysfunctions in dyslexic children and adults
We examined the evidence from functional imaging studies for predominance of a
phonological left temporo-parietal (TP) dysfunction in dyslexic children and predominance of …
phonological left temporo-parietal (TP) dysfunction in dyslexic children and predominance of …
[ספר][B] Developmental cognitive neuroscience: An introduction
MH Johnson, MDH de Haan - 2015 - books.google.com
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 4th Edition, is a revised and updated edition of the
landmark text focusing on the development of brain and behaviour during infancy …
landmark text focusing on the development of brain and behaviour during infancy …
Brain sensitivity to print emerges when children learn letter–speech sound correspondences
The acquisition of reading skills is a major landmark process in a human's cognitive
development. On the neural level, a new functional network develops during this time, as …
development. On the neural level, a new functional network develops during this time, as …
The neural signature of orthographic–phonological binding in successful and failing reading development
L Blomert - Neuroimage, 2011 - Elsevier
Learning to read in alphabetic orthographies starts with learning a script code consisting of
letter–speech sound pairs. Although children know which letters belong to which speech …
letter–speech sound pairs. Although children know which letters belong to which speech …
Functional characteristics of developmental dyslexia in left-hemispheric posterior brain regions predate reading onset
Individuals with developmental dyslexia (DD) show a disruption in posterior left-hemispheric
neural networks during phonological processing. Additionally, compensatory mechanisms in …
neural networks during phonological processing. Additionally, compensatory mechanisms in …