Parental perceptions and childhood dietary quality

KB Adamo, KE Brett - Maternal and child health journal, 2014 - Springer
The early years represent a critical period of growth and development of health behaviours.
While optimal child growth is associated with a complex set of factors, the importance of diet …

Effectiveness of universal parental support interventions addressing children's dietary habits, physical activity and bodyweight: A systematic review

M Kader, E Sundblom, LS Elinder - Preventive medicine, 2015 - Elsevier
Objectives The evidence regarding effectiveness of parental support interventions targeting
children's health behaviours is weak. We aimed to review: 1) effectiveness of universal …

Parental influences on child physical activity and screen viewing time: a population based study

BJ Smith, A Grunseit, LL Hardy, L King, L Wolfenden… - BMC public health, 2010 - Springer
Background Parents can influence their children's physical activity participation and screen
time. This study examined the relative significance of perceived parental barriers and self …

Associations between parental feeding practices, problem food behaviours and dietary intake in New Zealand overweight children aged 4–8 years

JJ Haszard, PML Skidmore, SM Williams… - Public Health …, 2015 -
Objective Parents report that children's eating behaviours are a major barrier to providing
them with a healthy diet. Links between problem eating behaviours and parental feeding …

What parents know and want to learn about healthy eating and body image in preschool children: a triangulated qualitative study with parents and Early Childhood …

LM Hart, SR Damiano, C Cornell, SJ Paxton - BMC public health, 2015 - Springer
Background Interventions for parents to encourage healthy eating in children often do not
address parental feeding practices and body image development. Methods The current …

Stuck in a vicious circle of stress. Parental concerns and barriers to changing children's dietary and physical activity habits

Å Norman, A Berlin, E Sundblom, LS Elinder, G Nyberg - Appetite, 2015 - Elsevier
Introduction: Dietary habits and physical activity are often the focus of obesity prevention
programmes and involving parents in such programmes has proven to be effective. The …

The influence of home and school environments on children's diet and physical activity, and body mass index: a structural equation modelling approach

J Haddad, S Ullah, L Bell, E Leslie… - Maternal and child health …, 2018 - Springer
Introduction The home and school environments play important roles in influencing
children's health behaviours. However, their simultaneous influence on childhood obesity …

A comparison of parental views of their pre-school children's 'healthy'versus 'unhealthy'diets. A qualitative study

J Peters, N Parletta, J Lynch, K Campbell - Appetite, 2014 - Elsevier
Despite recommended dietary guidelines, recent population surveys have recorded low fruit
and vegetable and high non-core food consumption by Australian children. Young children …

Perceptions of physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines among end-users and stakeholders: a systematic review

H Hollman, JA Updegraff, IM Lipkus… - International Journal of …, 2022 - Springer
Background Many of the world's population, across all age groups and abilities, are not
meeting or even aware of internationally recommended physical activity (PA) and sedentary …

Parenting cognitions

GW Holden, MM Smith - Handbook of parenting, 2019 -
This chapter provides an overview of the landscape concerning parenting cognitions. It
covers a wide terrain and, by necessity, relies on panoramic views. We begin with a short …