The impacts of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems and reliant human communities

SC Doney, DS Busch, SR Cooley… - Annual Review of …, 2020 -
Racism. Sexism. Heterosexism. Gender binarism. Together, they comprise intimately
harmful, distinct, and entangled societal systems of self-serving domination and privilege …

Environmental, economic, and social consequences of the oil palm boom

M Qaim, KT Sibhatu, H Siregar, I Grass - 2020 - publications.goettingen-research …
Rising global demand for vegetable oil during the last few decades has led to a drastic
increase in the land area under oil palm. Especially in Southeast Asia, the oil palm boom …

Amazon plant diversity revealed by a taxonomically verified species list

D Cardoso, T Särkinen, S Alexander… - Proceedings of the …, 2017 -
Recent debates on the number of plant species in the vast lowland rain forests of the
Amazon have been based largely on model estimates, neglecting published checklists …

Parasites dominate hyperdiverse soil protist communities in Neotropical rainforests

F Mahé, C de Vargas, D Bass, L Czech… - Nature ecology & …, 2017 -
High animal and plant richness in tropical rainforest communities has long intrigued
naturalists. It is unknown if similar hyperdiversity patterns are reflected at the microbial scale …

Global state of biodiversity and loss

R Dirzo, PH Raven - Annual review of Environment and …, 2003 -
Biodiversity, a central component of Earth's life support systems, is directly relevant to
human societies. We examine the dimensions and nature of the Earth's terrestrial …

Why are there so many plant species in the Neotropics?

A Antonelli, I Sanmartín - Taxon, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Neotropical region (tropical America) is the most species rich region on Earth.
Several causes have been proposed to explain this extraordinary biodiversity, which may be …

Plant diversity in tropical forests: a review of mechanisms of species coexistence

JS Wright - Oecologia, 2002 - Springer
Evidence concerning mechanisms hypothesized to explain species coexistence in hyper-
diverse communities is reviewed for tropical forest plants. Three hypotheses receive strong …

Recent origin and rapid speciation of Neotropical orchids in the world's richest plant biodiversity hotspot

OA Pérez‐Escobar, G Chomicki… - New …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Summary The Andean mountains of South America are the most species‐rich biodiversity
hotspot worldwide with c. 15% of the world's plant species, in only 1% of the world's land …

Consistent patterns of common species across tropical tree communities

DLM Cooper, SL Lewis, MJP Sullivan, PI Prado… - Nature, 2024 -
Trees structure the Earth's most biodiverse ecosystem, tropical forests. The vast number of
tree species presents a formidable challenge to understanding these forests, including their …

Hot-spots analysis for conservation of plant biodiversity in the Mediterranean Basin

F Medail, P Quezel - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 1997 - JSTOR
Due to the increase of human impact on the world scale, there is an urgent need to identify
the sectors of the greatest biodiversity that are also the most endangered. Examination of the …