Illuminant estimation for color constancy: why spatial-domain methods work and the role of the color distribution
Color constancy is a well-studied topic in color vision. Methods are generally categorized as
(1) low-level statistical methods,(2) gamut-based methods, and (3) learning-based methods …
(1) low-level statistical methods,(2) gamut-based methods, and (3) learning-based methods …
Estimation of illuminants from projections on the planckian locus
This paper introduces a new approach for the automatic estimation of illuminants in a digital
color image. The method relies on two assumptions. First, the image is supposed to contain …
color image. The method relies on two assumptions. First, the image is supposed to contain …
Illumination estimation based on a weighted color distribution
Based on the observation that whitish surfaces are perhaps a better indicator of the color of
the illuminant than strongly colored surfaces, we propose a new illumination estimation …
the illuminant than strongly colored surfaces, we propose a new illumination estimation …
균등거리 기준 조명 맵과 색 상관성을 이용한 조명 색도 추정
김정엽 - 정보처리학회논문지/소프트웨어 및 데이터 공학 제, 2023 -
요 약본 논문에서는 입력 영상에 대한 촬영 장면의 조명 색도를 추정하는 방법을 제안한다. 조명
기준영역을 이용하여 입력영상의 촬영 장면에 가장근접한 조명 색도를 추정한다. 기존의 …
기준영역을 이용하여 입력영상의 촬영 장면에 가장근접한 조명 색도를 추정한다. 기존의 …
Pixel-wise illuminant estimation for mixed illuminant scenes based on near-infrared camera information
Computational color constancy or white balancing methods for digital cameras emulate the
ability of the human visual system to adapt to different lighting situations and to maintain …
ability of the human visual system to adapt to different lighting situations and to maintain …
Color constancy using bright-neutral pixels
Y Wang, Y Luo - Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2014 -
An effective illuminant-estimation approach for color constancy is proposed. Bright and near-
neutral pixels are selected to jointly represent the illuminant color and utilized for illuminant …
neutral pixels are selected to jointly represent the illuminant color and utilized for illuminant …
C DONGLIANG - 2015 -
Motivated with the computational color constancy problem and given enough background
knowledge in the previous chapters, this chapter describes our first study of the illuminant …
knowledge in the previous chapters, this chapter describes our first study of the illuminant …