The relation between leadership styles in higher education institutions and academic staff's job satisfaction: A meta-analysis study
In this study, it is aimed to examine the relationship between leadership in higher education
institutions [HEIs] and academic staff's job satisfaction, which is formed by combining …
institutions [HEIs] and academic staff's job satisfaction, which is formed by combining …
Authentic leadership, perceived organizational support, and psychological capital: implications for job performance in the education sector
The present study sifts the indirect role of psychological capital (PsyCap) in linking authentic
leadership (AL) and job performance (JP). Furthermore, this study investigates the interplay …
leadership (AL) and job performance (JP). Furthermore, this study investigates the interplay …
Responsible leadership effect on career success: the role of work engagement and self-enhancement motives in the education sector
M Li, F Yang, MW Akhtar - Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Using social information processing theory, our study investigates the effect of responsible
leadership on employee career success via work engagement. The model also examines …
leadership on employee career success via work engagement. The model also examines …
What, When, and How of Responsible Leadership: Taking Stock of Eighteen Years of Research and a Future Agenda
M Javed, N Pless, DA Waldman… - Journal of …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Because research on responsible leadership has grown significantly in recent years, we
conducted a systematic review of research on responsible leadership. Our overall goal was …
conducted a systematic review of research on responsible leadership. Our overall goal was …
[HTML][HTML] Responsibility beyond the board room? A systematic review of responsible leadership: Operationalizations, antecedents and outcomes
For more than two decades, researchers have aimed to measure responsible leadership.
This has resulted in several survey instruments and parallel streams of research, making it …
This has resulted in several survey instruments and parallel streams of research, making it …
Carrot and stick approach: the exploitative leadership and absenteeism in education sector
Utilizing the conservation of resources theory, this study investigates serial mediation of
facades of conformity and depression between exploitative leadership and absenteeism. A …
facades of conformity and depression between exploitative leadership and absenteeism. A …
Employees' foe or friend: artificial intelligence and employee outcomes
Using the componential theory of creativity and self-determination perspective, this study
tests the effect of employees' knowledge of artificial intelligence on their creativity and …
tests the effect of employees' knowledge of artificial intelligence on their creativity and …
Responsible leadership and sustainable outcomes: a multi-study perspective of individual ambidexterity and knowledge sharing culture
Based on social information processing, this study investigates the indirect effects of
individual ambidexterity on the relationship between responsible leadership and …
individual ambidexterity on the relationship between responsible leadership and …
Paternal leadership and employee creativity: the mediating role of psychological safety
Purpose This research aims to analyze the factors affecting the people's performance
working in the health sector to improve the services the health sector provide to society and …
working in the health sector to improve the services the health sector provide to society and …
Exploring the effect of perceived overqualification on knowledge hiding: The role of psychological capital and person-organization fit
J Zhu, F Lin, Y Zhang, S Wang, W Tao… - Frontiers in …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Individuals' knowledge hiding behavior may lead to massive economic losses to
organizations, and exploring the antecedents of it has crucial relevance for mitigating its …
organizations, and exploring the antecedents of it has crucial relevance for mitigating its …