Recombination in viruses: mechanisms, methods of study, and evolutionary consequences
Recombination is a pervasive process generating diversity in most viruses. It joins variants
that arise independently within the same molecule, creating new opportunities for viruses to …
that arise independently within the same molecule, creating new opportunities for viruses to …
Next generation sequencing and bioinformatics methodologies for infectious disease research and public health: approaches, applications, and considerations for …
Next generation sequencing (NGS) combined with bioinformatics has successfully been
used in a vast array of analyses for infectious disease research of public health relevance …
used in a vast array of analyses for infectious disease research of public health relevance …
Plasmodium falciparum resistant to artemisinin and diagnostics have emerged in Ethiopia
AA Fola, SM Feleke, H Mohammed, BG Brhane… - Nature …, 2023 -
Diagnosis and treatment of Plasmodium falciparum infections are required for effective
malaria control and are pre-requisites for malaria elimination efforts; hence we need to …
malaria control and are pre-requisites for malaria elimination efforts; hence we need to …
Chloroquine resistance evolution in Plasmodium falciparum is mediated by the putative amino acid transporter AAT1
Malaria parasites break down host haemoglobin into peptides and amino acids in the
digestive vacuole for export to the parasite cytoplasm for growth: interrupting this process is …
digestive vacuole for export to the parasite cytoplasm for growth: interrupting this process is …
Analysis of Plasmodium falciparum diversity in natural infections by deep sequencing
Malaria elimination strategies require surveillance of the parasite population for genetic
changes that demand a public health response, such as new forms of drug resistance,. Here …
changes that demand a public health response, such as new forms of drug resistance,. Here …
Artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum in Pursat province, western Cambodia: a parasite clearance rate study
C Amaratunga, S Sreng, S Suon, ES Phelps… - The Lancet infectious …, 2012 -
Summary Background Artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum has been reported in
Pailin, western Cambodia, detected as a slow parasite clearance rate in vivo. Emergence of …
Pailin, western Cambodia, detected as a slow parasite clearance rate in vivo. Emergence of …
Genetic diversity and chloroquine selective sweeps in Plasmodium falciparum
JC Wootton, X Feng, MT Ferdig, RA Cooper, J Mu… - Nature, 2002 -
Widespread use of antimalarial agents can profoundly influence the evolution of the human
malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Recent selective sweeps for drug-resistant …
malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Recent selective sweeps for drug-resistant …
Dendritic spikes as a mechanism for cooperative long-term potentiation
Strengthening of synaptic connections following coincident pre-and postsynaptic activity was
proposed by Hebb as a cellular mechanism for learning. Contemporary models assume that …
proposed by Hebb as a cellular mechanism for learning. Contemporary models assume that …
Multiple populations of artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum in Cambodia
We describe an analysis of genome variation in 825 P. falciparum samples from Asia and
Africa that identifies an unusual pattern of parasite population structure at the epicenter of …
Africa that identifies an unusual pattern of parasite population structure at the epicenter of …
Tackling the population genetics of clonal and partially clonal organisms
Many clonal organisms experience occasional events of sexual recombination, with
profound consequences for their population dynamics and evolutionary trajectories. With the …
profound consequences for their population dynamics and evolutionary trajectories. With the …