Alliance termination research: a bibliometric review and research agenda

R Rajan, S Dhir - Journal of Strategy and Management, 2020 -
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the existing literature and evaluate the
theories, characteristics, context and methods of alliance termination research published …

A review of research into drivers of firm value through event studies in tourism and hospitality: Launching the Annals of Tourism Research curated collection on drivers …

JL Nicolau, A Sharma - Annals of Tourism Research, 2022 - Elsevier
Management decision assessment is fundamental for the future development of the market
value of tourism and hospitality businesses. This article conducts a review of the literature on …

A comparative performance analysis of airline strategic alliances using data envelopment analysis

H Min, SJ Joo - Journal of Air Transport Management, 2016 - Elsevier
As “open skies” agreements became more common among different countries and thus
began to open up international routes to further competition, the global airline industry has …

Firm value in the airline industry: perspectives on the impact of sustainability and Covid-19

Y Abdi, X Li, X Càmara-Turull - Humanities and Social Sciences …, 2023 -
To date, there has been limited research undertaken into firm value determinants in the air
transport industry, one of the most essential sectors for global business. In view of this, in this …

Measuring the network capacity utilization, energy consumption and environmental inefficiency of global airlines

KF See, AA Rashid, MM Yu - Energy Economics, 2024 - Elsevier
While several studies have utilized carbon emissions to analyze airline performance, to the
best of our knowledge, there have been limited studies simultaneously examining airline …

Network ambidexterity and environmental performance: Code‐sharing in the airline industry

B Payán‐Sánchez, M Pérez‐Valls… - … Strategy and the …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The most common form of horizontal collaboration within the airline industry is code‐
sharing, which provides firms with many economic and operational benefits, although what …

The virtualization of the airline industry: A strategic process

M Castiglioni, Á Gallego, JL Galán - Journal of Air Transport Management, 2018 - Elsevier
This paper analyses the virtualization of the airline industry as a strategic response to
competitive pressures. Increased competition has driven the associative behavior of airlines …

Diversity in airline alliance portfolio configuration

M Cobeña, Á Gallego, C Casanueva - Journal of Air Transport …, 2019 - Elsevier
Alliances in the airline industry operate as a basic strategy to stimulate competition and both
the number and the types of alliances have increased over time. Each airline maintains …

Resource utilization as an internal driver of alliance portfolio evolution: The Qatar Airways case (1993–2010)

P Chiambaretto, U Wassmer - Long Range Planning, 2019 - Elsevier
This article aims to understand the role played by resource utilization levels as a driver of
alliance portfolio evolution over time. Based on our theoretical framework and on a case …

Internationalization of exploitation alliance portfolios and firm performance

O Rossmannek, O Rank - Management Decision, 2019 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of alliance portfolio
internationalization (API) on firm performance in the context of exploitation alliances …