Almost quantum correlations
Quantum theory is not only successfully tested in laboratories every day but also constitutes
a robust theoretical framework: small variations usually lead to implausible consequences …
a robust theoretical framework: small variations usually lead to implausible consequences …
Experimental test of the collins-gisin-linden-massar-popescu inequality for multisetting and multidimensional orbital angular momentum systems
Characterizing high-dimensional entangled states holds pivotal significance in quantum
information science and technology. Recent theoretical progress has been made to extend …
information science and technology. Recent theoretical progress has been made to extend …
Principle of information causality rationalizes quantum composition
The principle of information causality, proposed as a generalization of no signaling principle,
has efficiently been applied to outcast beyond quantum correlations as unphysical. In this …
has efficiently been applied to outcast beyond quantum correlations as unphysical. In this …
Quantum correlations require multipartite information principles
Identifying which correlations among distant observers are possible within our current
description of nature, based on quantum mechanics, is a fundamental problem in physics …
description of nature, based on quantum mechanics, is a fundamental problem in physics …
Geometry of the quantum set on no-signaling faces
Since Bell's theorem we know that quantum mechanics is incompatible with local hidden-
variable models, the phenomenon known as quantum nonlocality. However, despite steady …
variable models, the phenomenon known as quantum nonlocality. However, despite steady …
Device-independent bounds from Cabello's nonlocality argument
Hardy-type arguments manifest Bell nonlocality in one of the simplest possible ways. Except
for demonstrating nonclassical signature of entangled states in question, they can also serve …
for demonstrating nonclassical signature of entangled states in question, they can also serve …
Guess your neighbour's input: no quantum advantage but an advantage for quantum theory
Quantum mechanics dramatically differs from classical physics. An interesting consequence
of this fact is that quantum resources offer an advantage over classical resources in many …
of this fact is that quantum resources offer an advantage over classical resources in many …
Quantum bounds for inequalities involving marginal expectation values
We review and develop an algorithm to determine arbitrary quantum bounds based on the
seminal work of Tsirelson [Lett. Math. Phys. 4, 93 (1980) LMPHDY 0377-9017 …
seminal work of Tsirelson [Lett. Math. Phys. 4, 93 (1980) LMPHDY 0377-9017 …
Information causality
We review the literature on the principle of Information Causality (IC). IC belongs to the
attempts of rederiving quantum physics from physical principles. Contrary to most …
attempts of rederiving quantum physics from physical principles. Contrary to most …
Local orthogonality provides a tight upper bound for Hardy's nonlocality
The amount of nonlocality in quantum theory is limited compared to that allowed in
generalized no-signaling theory [S. Popescu and D. Rohrlich, Found. Phys. 24, 379 (1994) …
generalized no-signaling theory [S. Popescu and D. Rohrlich, Found. Phys. 24, 379 (1994) …