Integrating fossil observations into phylogenetics using the fossilized birth–death model
Over the past decade, a new set of methods for estimating dated trees has emerged.
Originally referred to as the fossilized birth–death (FBD) process, this single model has …
Originally referred to as the fossilized birth–death (FBD) process, this single model has …
Biotic and environmental dynamics through the L ate J urassic–E arly C retaceous transition: evidence for protracted faunal and ecological turnover
The L ate J urassic to E arly C retaceous interval represents a time of environmental
upheaval and cataclysmic events, combined with disruptions to terrestrial and marine …
upheaval and cataclysmic events, combined with disruptions to terrestrial and marine …
No (Cambrian) explosion and no (Ordovician) event: a single long-term radiation in the early Palaeozoic
T Servais, B Cascales-Miñana, DAT Harper… - Palaeogeography …, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract The Cambrian 'Explosion', located by many authors between 540 and 520 million
years ago (Ma), is considered to be an abrupt appearance in the fossil record of most animal …
years ago (Ma), is considered to be an abrupt appearance in the fossil record of most animal …
Cascading trend of Early Paleozoic marine radiations paused by Late Ordovician extinctions
The greatest relative changes in marine biodiversity accumulation occurred during the Early
Paleozoic. The precision of temporal constraints on these changes is crude, hampering our …
Paleozoic. The precision of temporal constraints on these changes is crude, hampering our …
Climate change is an important predictor of extinction risk on macroevolutionary timescales
Anthropogenic climate change is increasing rapidly and already impacting biodiversity.
Despite its importance in future projections, understanding of the underlying mechanisms by …
Despite its importance in future projections, understanding of the underlying mechanisms by …
The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE) is not a single event
T Servais, B Cascales-Miñana, DAT Harper - Paleontological Research, 2021 - BioOne
The Ordovician biodiversification is considered one of the most significant radiations in the
marine ecosystems of the entire Phanerozoic. Originally recognized as the 'Ordovician …
marine ecosystems of the entire Phanerozoic. Originally recognized as the 'Ordovician …
The r package divDyn for quantifying diversity dynamics using fossil sampling data
Unbiased time series of diversity dynamics are vital for quantifying the grand history of life.
Applications include identifying ancient mass extinctions and inferring both biotic and abiotic …
Applications include identifying ancient mass extinctions and inferring both biotic and abiotic …
Improved estimation of macroevolutionary rates from fossil data using a Bayesian framework
The estimation of origination and extinction rates and their temporal variation is central to
understanding diversity patterns and the evolutionary history of clades. The fossil record …
understanding diversity patterns and the evolutionary history of clades. The fossil record …
Ecological interactions on macroevolutionary time scales: clams and brachiopods are more than ships that pass in the night
Competition among organisms has ecological and evolutionary consequences. However,
whether the consequences of competition are manifested and measureable on …
whether the consequences of competition are manifested and measureable on …
Combining marine macroecology and palaeoecology in understanding biodiversity: microfossils as a model
There is growing interest in the integration of macroecology and palaeoecology towards a
better understanding of past, present, and anticipated future biodiversity dynamics …
better understanding of past, present, and anticipated future biodiversity dynamics …