Work engagement: A meta-analysis using the job demands-resources model
Although the construct of work engagement has been extensively explored, a systematic
meta-analysis based on a consistent categorization of engagement antecedents, outcomes …
meta-analysis based on a consistent categorization of engagement antecedents, outcomes …
The evolution of employee engagement: Towards a social and contextual construct for balancing individual performance and wellbeing dynamically
Research demonstrates that high Employee Engagement (EE) sustains job satisfaction and
performance among staff. This literature review analyses the evolution of EE, highlighting …
performance among staff. This literature review analyses the evolution of EE, highlighting …
Work from home during the COVID-19 outbreak: The impact on employees' remote work productivity, engagement, and stress
Objective: The COVID-19 pandemic made working from home (WFH) the new way of
working. This study investigates the impact that family-work conflict, social isolation …
working. This study investigates the impact that family-work conflict, social isolation …
Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT)—development, validity, and reliability
This paper introduces a new definition for burnout and investigates the psychometric
properties of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT). In a prior qualitative study, 49 practitioners …
properties of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT). In a prior qualitative study, 49 practitioners …
Let me go to the office! An investigation into the side effects of working from home on work-life balance
Purpose The disruptions brought by COVID-19 pandemic compelled a large part of public
sector employees to remotely work from home. Home-based teleworking ensured the …
sector employees to remotely work from home. Home-based teleworking ensured the …
Psychosocial risks, work engagement, and job satisfaction of nurses during COVID-19 pandemic
Context: COVID-19 pandemic is a serious health emergency that has affected countries all
over the world. Health emergencies are a critical psychosocial risk factor for nurses. In …
over the world. Health emergencies are a critical psychosocial risk factor for nurses. In …
Antecedents and consequences of employee engagement revisited
Purpose In 2006, published one of the first empirical studies of the antecedents and
consequences of employee engagement. Since then dozens of studies on engagement …
consequences of employee engagement. Since then dozens of studies on engagement …
Work engagement and its antecedents in remote work: A person-centered view
The aim of this study was to investigate characteristics associated with employees' ability to
cope with the challenges of remote working as flexible work arrangements are predicted to …
cope with the challenges of remote working as flexible work arrangements are predicted to …
Engaging leadership and nurse well-being: the role of the work environment and work motivation—a cross-sectional study
Background Healthcare literature suggests that leadership behavior has a profound impact
on nurse work-related well-being. Yet, more research is needed to better conceptualize …
on nurse work-related well-being. Yet, more research is needed to better conceptualize …
Meaningful work, job resources, and employee engagement
Meaningful work and employee engagement have been the subject of increasing interest in
organizational research and practice over recent years. Both constructs have been shown to …
organizational research and practice over recent years. Both constructs have been shown to …